The JSPWIki engine allows for workflow control over two elements: Creating Users and Saving a change to a Wiki Pages
The settings for these two workflow actions are defined in the JSPWIKI.PROPERTIES file.
The name of the workflow or decision is the part of the key after "jspwiki.approver.". This is a logical name JSPWiki uses to determine which Principal to consult for approval. The Principal is identified up by AuthorizationManager at runtime; it looks for a Principal match as follows: GroupPrincipals; Roles; WikiPrincipals/other principals. Thus, if a value of "Admin" is supplied JSPWiki will first check the GroupManager to see if group Admin exits; then the container roles, if any; then, user Principals. If the value is blank or the property is commented out, it means that the workflow does not require approval.
# Uncomment the next line to require the Admin group (or Admin user, if a group is not found) # to approve wiki pages after saving. #jspwiki.approver.workflow.saveWikiPage=Admin # Uncomment the next line to require the Admin group to approve new user profiles #jspwiki.approver.workflow.createUserProfile=Admin
Once enabled, Workflow tasks will be apparent when a user with the appropriate group membership brings down the MoreMenu on any page ... and looks at the Workflow tasks.
Screen captures are meant to be indicative of the concept being presented and may not reflect the current screen design.
If you have any comments or questions please email the Wiki Editor
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