The JSPWIki engine allows for workflow control over two elements: __Creating Users__ and __Saving a change__ to a Wiki Pages The settings for these two workflow actions are defined in the [JSPWIKI.PROPERTIES] file. The name of the workflow or decision is the part of the key after "jspwiki.approver.". This is a logical name JSPWiki uses to determine which Principal to consult for approval. The Principal is identified up by AuthorizationManager at runtime; it looks for a Principal match as follows: GroupPrincipals; Roles; WikiPrincipals/other principals. Thus, if a value of "Admin" is supplied JSPWiki will first check the GroupManager to see if group Admin exits; then the container roles, if any; then, user Principals. If the value is blank or the property is commented out, it means that the workflow does not require approval. {{{ # Uncomment the next line to require the Admin group (or Admin user, if a group is not found) # to approve wiki pages after saving. #jspwiki.approver.workflow.saveWikiPage=Admin # Uncomment the next line to require the Admin group to approve new user profiles #jspwiki.approver.workflow.createUserProfile=Admin }}} Once enabled, Workflow tasks will be apparent when a user with the appropriate group membership brings down the [MoreMenu] on any page ... and looks at the Workflow tasks. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.WIKI.WORKFLOW] [{InsertPage page='Internal.WIKI.WORKFLOW' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]