!A. Shut down the Wiki Engine

!B. Preserving changes made by you
#Preserve your [JSPWIKI.POLICY] and [JSPWIKI.PROPERTIES] from the WEB_INF folder by copying them to your __CONFIGURATION__ folder.
**This is just for safe keeping. These files would only be overwritten if there was also a new release of the JSPWIKI software.
#Examine any data in the __FILES\OLD__ folder to determine if changes need to be preserved
#If there are any pages that do not start with __''Internal.''__ then these pages have been modified by you and you may wish to keep your changes
##This would be done by copy the TXT files with that name from the __FILES__ directory into your CUSTOM folder
##Check for a folder in the __ATTACHMENTS__ folder with the same name (and an ''-att'' suffix) to assess if any attachments (graphics, files, etc) have been changed by you and if so, move these folders into your __CUSTOM__ folder

!C. Installing the new Wiki documentation release
#Remove all but __''Internal.''__ files from the __FILES__folder
#Unzip the new Wiki documentation release into the __WIKI__ folder (which will extract into the __FILES__ and __ATTACHMENTS__ folders)
**This will leave any discussion pages (__''Internal.''__ pages) untouched, as they are not part of the distribution

!D. Restoring any changed files
#You can replace any files and attachments you have changed by moving back the versions from your __CUSTOM__ folder

!E. Clean up System Files
#You may (optionally) choose to clean out the __LOG__ directory.  Once the maximum number of log files (as configured in your [JSPWIKI.PROPERTIES] file) has been reached, the directory will not grow beyond that size.
#Delete all content in the TEMP folder - This will cause the Wiki Engine, when started, to re-index all the pages.

!F. Startup the Wiki, with the new release information

[{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated'

![Discussion|Edit:Internal.WIKI.NEW RELEASE]
[{InsertPage page='Internal.WIKI.NEW RELEASE' default='Click to create a new discussion page'}]
