This page describes the wiki syntax used by JSPWiki, the Wiki Engine being used here. The SandBox is a great place to try out your wiki editing skills

Quick Reference#

----            = make a horizontal ruler. Extra '-' is ignored.
\\              = force a line break

[link]          = create a hyperlink to an internal Wiki Page called 'Link'.
[a sample|link] = create a hyperlink to an internal Wiki Page called 'Link'
                  , but display the text 'a sample' to the user instead of 'Link'.
[1]             = make a reference to a footnote numbered 1.
[#1]            = mark the footnote number 1.

!heading        = small heading with text 'heading'
!!heading       = medium heading with text 'heading'
!!!heading      = large heading with text 'heading'

''text''        = print 'text' in italic.
__text__        = print 'text' in bold.
{{text}}        = print 'text' in monospaced (fixed pitch) font.
[text|]         = print 'text' underscored (dummy hyperlink) - the link with a pipe, but no page to go to
* text          = make a bulleted list item with 'text' (* must be first character on the line)
** text         = make a second level bulleted list item with 'text' (** must be first character on the line)
# text          = make a numbered list item with 'text' (# must be first character on the line)
## text         = make a second level numbered list item with 'text' (## must be first character on the line)
;term:ex        = make a definition for 'term' with the explanation 'ex'

Links to Other Information#

Links between pages within the Wiki are indicated by enclosing the page name in brackets (i.e. [USERCALC] becomes USERCALC) or by providing text and then indicating a link (i.e. [user calculations|USERCALC] becomes user calculations which takes you to the same place, but it appears more "in line").

Links to external sites can be made by indicating the URL starting with a "protocol" like http:, mailto:, or https: (i.e., to point at the home page, use [], which becomes or [Java home page|], which becomes Java home page). External sites are indicated by a little arrow.

Note that a link to another web page will open in the same browser window/tab unless you indicate a different "target" (i.e. [from Adobe||target='_blank'] becomes from Adobe which opens in a different page) single quotes only around the '_blank' is very important

To do email links, indicate the protocol as mailto: and put the email address to be sent to, follow. For example, [] oor [] to fill in the subject line with ABC123

If you do not start the link with one of the above "protocols", the wiki assumes a normal link to another page in the wiki space, you need to use a letter as the first character of the page, purely numeric page names are not allowed. If you want to use square brackets ([]) in the page without creating a hyperlink, use two opening square brackets. So the text [[Example Non-Link]] will appear as [Example Non-Link].

To add a new page you just create a link to it from somewhere else. After all, there isn't much point in having a page if you can't access it! You'll then see a the link to the page name underscored in RED when you return to that page. Then click on it and you have created a new page!

Formatting a Page#

Bulleted lists#

Use an asterisk (*) in the first column to make bulleted lists. Use more asterisks for deeper indentation. For example:
* One \\ one and a half
* Two
* Three
** Three.One
  • One
    one and a half
  • Two
  • Three
    • Three.One

Numbered lists#

Just like with bulleted lists, but use a hash (#) instead of the asterisk. Like this:
# One \\ one and a half
# Two
# Three
## Three.One
  1. One
    one and a half
  2. Two
  3. Three
    1. Three.One
If you want to write the list item on multiple lines, just add one or more spaces on the next line and the line will be automatically added to the previous item. For example:
* This is a single-line item.
* This is actually a multi-line item (in the text entered)
  We continue the second sentence on a line on a line of its own.
  We might as well do a third line while we're at it...
  Notice, however, as all these sentences get put inside a single item!
* The third line is again a single-line item for your convenience.
  • This is a single-line item.
  • This is actually a multi-line item. (in the text entered) We continue the second sentence on a line on a line of its own. We might as well do a third line while we're at it... Notice, however, as all these sentences get put inside a single item!
  • The third line is again a single-line item for your convenience.

Definition lists#

A simple way to make definition lists is to use the ';:' -construct:
;Construct:Something you use to do something with
is rendered as:
Something you use to do something with

Text effects#

You may use bold text or italic text, by using two underscores (_) and two single quotes ('), respectively. A underscore effect can be produced by using a hyperlink to nowhere, like this: [underscore|]

Preformatted text#

If you want to add preformatted text (like program code) just use two consecutive braces ({) to open a block, and two consecutive braces (}) to close a block.


You can do simple tables by using pipe signs ('|'). Use double pipe signs to start the heading of a table, and single pipe signs to then write the rows of the table. End with a line that is not a table. For example:
|| Heading 1 || Heading 2
| ''Gobble'' | Bar \\ foo
| [Main] | [SandBox||target='_blank']
gives you the following table. Note how you can use links also inside tables.
Heading 1 Heading 2
Gobble Bar
Main SandBox

tables can also be "striped" by prefixing it with the special style %%zebra-table and ending the table with %%

Referencing Attachments like Images#

This is achieved by firstly attaching your document to a wiki page and then referencing it in a similar fashion to wiki pages links or external url's.

For example, referencing a file attached to another wiki page :


Or, if the file is attached to the current wiki page you can use :



These are a special kind of hyperlink. By using nothing but a number inside a hyperlink you create a reference to a footnote, like this [1], which creates a footnote[1]. To make the actual footnote, you just put a [#1] where you want that footnote to point at. Look below to find the footnote.

You can also make a named footnote, just as if you were doing a normal hyperlink, such as [Footnote name|1] as another way of referring to the first footnote[Footnote name]. Or you can put the custom name at the footnote itself[2]. [2-The other footnote]

[#1] Here's the footnote I mentioned.
[2-The other footnote] The other footnote. Note how its name is different?

Notes #

Click to create a new notes page