The WIKI installation, under the WEBAPPS folder has several subdirectories, with changes, updates and modifications to files in there, as noted.  The implementation of various [WIKI.PLUGINS] may also require the placement of files in these directories, or modification of various configuration files.
* JSPWIKI_LOGO.PNG is a graphics file (128 pixels X 64 pixels) that is used for the default graphic in the top right hand corner.  The graphic has two images within it - each 64 pixels square.  The left graphic is the normal state graphic, and the right graphic is the "mouseover" version.

This directory contains the basic templates for the wiki presentation (JSP pages).  The default templates are identified by the [JSPWIKI.PROPERTIES] file setting __jspwiki.templateDir__ and is normally set to Default.

As well, a subdirectory called SKINS is present, which has a folder for each different skin that may be chosen by the user (in user preferences). It is here where we would present the style sheets, and graphics to replace the defaults.  The wiki comes with three basic skins:
* PlainVanilla - this is the normal default presentation
* Smart - a bright, orange look
* OrderedList - a dark background look

Other skins can be created, by creating a directory and putting in the style elements that you want to replace the original distribution.

* This directory contains the [JSPWIKI.POLICY] which defines the security policies for the wiki
* Also here is the [JSPWIKI.PROPERTIES] pages which control the manner in which the wiki engine operates
* Finally, we also have the [WEB.XML|JSPWIKI.WEB.XML] file that controls how the application context works
[{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated'

[{InsertPage page='Internal.WIKI.DIRECTORIES' default='Click to create a new discussion page'}]
