!!!Where To Use UserCalcs
UserCalcs are not restricted to just one [{$applicationname}] application. They are available in many applications throughout the system to provide an enhancement to the existing rules and selection criteria. Users decide when to use the UserCalc tool based on the requirements of the implementation.
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A UserCalc may be used to create or alter an amount to be paid to or deducted from an employee. 

Union 56 has union dues that must be collected from each full-time employee at a rate of 2.6% of their gross pay. The UserCalc multiplies the employee's gross earnings by.026 and places this value in the union dues deduction pay component

A Calculation UserCalc may also be used to calculate a pay component amount that will update a statistical component.   It may also be used for enhancing the FLSA facility (IDGR) and creating messages to be printed on pay stubs (UPDISB). 
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A Function UserCalc may be used to return a value back to the attendance calculation routine to be used in the calculation of attendance policy qualifications, entitlements, dates, etc. 

All employees are eligible to receive an extra 4 days of vacation entitlement upon their 55th birthday and every birthday there after as long as they are employed.  The UserCalc picks up the current entitlement (if any) and adds the value 4 to their birthday then returns the result to the Attendance component calling the UserCalc.
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A Function UserCalc may be used to return a value back to the benefits calculation routine to be used in the calculation of benefit coverage qualifications, deductions, contributions, premiums, etc. 

The 401K or GRRSP is based on a contribution of 8% of the previous year's taxable earnings. The UserCalc retrieves the Statistic component holding last year's taxable earnings and calculates 8% of the earnings; it then returns the contribution amount to the Benefits component calling the UserCalc.
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!!Forecasting and Costing                                                                             
The Forecasting and Costing application will execute all Pay Point UserCalcs that are created for the Payroll application.   
All [Benefits application|MODULE-BE] UserCalcs used in the [Forecasting and Costing application|MODULE-FC] must be copied in order for [UFCALC] to execute them.