!Execution * No special conditions !Available Data For Workflows on the [P2K_PR_BATCHES] table, users have access to these related tables: ;[P2K_CM_AUTHORIZATION_AREAS]: for the related Auth Area, if defined p2k_pmcalc.insert_id('DEN',m_new_pbt.den_id); ;[P2K_CM_DEPARTMENTS]: for the related department p2k_pmcalc.insert_id('MUS',m_new_pbt.mus_id); p2k_pmcalc.insert_id('PPP',m_new_pbt.ppp_id); p2k_pmcalc.insert_id('PCT',m_new_pbt.pct_id); ;[P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS]: for the related assignment for the employee noted as manager p2k_pmcalc.insert_id('PPA',m_new_pbt.ppa_id); ;[P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]: the identity information for the employee identified as the manager for this batch (if provided) ;[P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS]: for the employment that the identity is related to ;[P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]: for the effective record as of the current date