* No special conditions

!Available Data
For Workflows on the [P2K_CP_COMPETENCE_USAGES] table, users have access to these related tables:

;[P2K_CP_COMPETENCE_LEVELS]:  for the level associated with this competence usage
;[P2K_CP_CORE_COMPETENCIES]:  for the core competence tied to the competence level
;[P2K_CP_COMPETENCE_CATEGORIES]: for the category associated to the core competence
;[P2K_RE_JOB_PROFILES]:           for the job profile, if associated
;[P2K_CP_DEVELOPMENT_ACTIVITIES]: for the development activity, if associated
;[P2K_CP_PROGRAM_STEPS]:          for the development program step, if associated
;[P2K_CP_DEVELOPMENT_PROGRAMS]:   for the development program step (either required or developing), if associated
;[P2K_CP_COURSES]:                for the course, if associated
;[P2K_RE_ASSESSMENTS]:            for the assessment, if associated
;[P2K_CP_TRAINING_SUPPLIERS]:     for the supplier of the course or assessment or development program associated with the development program(if specified)
;[P2K_CM_ENTITIES]:               for the entity associated to the job profile
;[P2K_RE_CANDIDATES]:             for the candidate assigned the competence usage
;[P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]:             for the identity that the candidate represents (if an internal candidate)
;[P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS]:        for the employment for that internal candidate - picking the one record with a termination date either not defined or after the current date and a hire date before the current date
;[P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS]:        for the prime assignment for that employment
;[P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]: for the effective record as of the current date
;[P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]_SUP:     for the identity linked to the assignment as the employee's supervisor

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