!!!My Time Sheets ;[Time Sheet #|TIME_SHEET_NUMBER]: ;[Assignment|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]: ;[Starting|DRV_START_DATE]: ;[Ending|DRV_END_DATE]: ;[Status|TIME_SHEET_STATUS]: ;[# of Changes|DRV_TTX_COUNT]: ;[Submit|ACT_SUBMIT_TIME_SHEET]: ;Go to Time Sheet HISTORY: !Updater/View Time Sheet ;[Date|ENTRY_DATE]:This field represents the day that the time entry/exception was generated/entered for ;[From|MIN_START_TIME]:This field represents the beginning time associated to the time code indicated (i.e. the start of the shift entry). ;[To|MAX_END_TIME]:This field represents the ending time associated to the time code indicated (i.e. the end of the shift entry). ;[Tot|TOTAL_TIME]: ;[Reg|REG_TIME]: ;[Hol|HOLIDAY]: ;[Lv|LEAVE_TIME]: ;[OT|OT]: ;[Bnk|USE_ALTERNATE_TIME_CODE]: ;[Premium(s)|DRV_PREMIUM_CODE]: ;[Job/Position|JOB_POSITION]:This field displays the job/position associated to the assignment indicated. ;[Addtl Info|SUMMARY_INFO]:This field displays any notes that have been entered for the exception. ;[View Details|ACT_SHOW_DETAILS]: ;[Add more time or an extra shift|ACT_ADD_TIME]: ;[Change Normal Time or Schedule|ACT_ADJUST_START_OR_END_TIME]: ;[Change What I Worked On|ACT_CATEGORIZE_WORK]: ;[Change or remove lunch|ACT_CHANGE_LUNCH]: ;[Record Time Away From Work|ACT_ADD_AWAY_FROM_WORK]: ;[Add Premium|ACT_ADD_MANUAL_PREMIUM]: ;[Add Mileage or Other Expenses |ACT_ADD_EXPENSE]: ;[Request a Change to this Time Sheet|ACT_ADD_CURRENT_TIMESHEET_REQUESTS]: ;[Bank My Overtime|ACT_ADD_PREFERENCES]: !Update/View Changes ;[Action|TIME_EXCEPTION_ACTION]: ;[Start|START_DATE]: ;[End|END_DATE]: ;[From|START_TIME]:This field represents the beginning time associated to the time code indicated. ;[To|END_TIME]:This field represents the ending time associated to the time code indicated. ;[Time Code|TIME_CODE]:This field will display the time code that the exception was generated against. ;[Cost|COST_CENTER_CODE]:This field is used to associate a cost center to the time exception. ;[Assignment|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]:This field will display the employee's assignment for which the exception is being entered. ;[Position|POSITION_CODE]: ;[Job|JOB_CODE]: ;[Shift|SHIFT_CODE]:This field will display the shift that the exception is being entered against. If the exception is to be entered for a different shift, then the timekeeper must select another shift from the LOV, otherwise the shift that is indicated in the time entries above will be used. ;[Job Order #|WORK_ORDER]:This field is used to associate a work order to the time exception. ;[Value|TIME_EXCEPTION_VALUE]: ;[Premium(s)|PREMIUM_CODE]: ;[Remarks|REFERENCE_INFO]:This field is used to enter notes for the time exception. !View Summary Info __Time Sheet Summary__ ;[Pay Period Totals|ACT_SHOW_PAY_PERIOD_TOTALS]: ;[Weekly Totals|ACT_SHOW_WEEKLY_TOTALS]: __All Time Codes__ ;[Date|DATE]: ;[Time Code|TIME_CODE]: ;[Amount|TOTAL]: ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]: __Time Type Totals__ ;[Date|DATE]: ;[Time Type|LEX_ABBREVIATION]: ;[Amount|TOTAL]: __All Time Code Sets__ ;[Date|DATE]: ;[Time Code Set|TIME_CODE_SET_CODE]: ;[Amount|TOTAL]: __Leave Balances Summary__ ;[Bank|LEAVE_POLICY_CODE]: ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]: ;[Planned|DRV_TOTAL_PLANNED]: ;[Balance To Date|DRV_BALANCE_TO_DATE]: !View Requests __Request Details__ ;[#|REQUEST_NUMBER]: ;[Status|REQUEST_STATUS]: ;[Sent On|DATE_SENT]: ;[Synopsis|REQUEST_SYNOPSYS]: ;[Request Text|REQUEST_TEXT]: __Activities on Requests__ ;[Type|ACTION_TYPE]: ;[Sent On|DATE_SENT]: ;[Entered By|IDENTITY_NAME_AND_CODE]: ;[Comments|REQUEST_ACTIVITY_TEXT]: !View Audit ;[Date|ENTRY_DATE]: ;[Assign|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]: ;[Start|START_TIME]: ;[End|END_TIME]: ;[TC|TIME_CODE]: ;[Value|TIME_OR_AMOUNT]: ;[Basis|TIME_BASIS]: ;[Premiums|PREMIUM_CODES]: ;[COST_CENTER_CODE]: ;[Changed On|CHANGE_DATE]: ;[Changed By|CHANGE_USER]: