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My Current Time Sheet by Cost Center#

This screen, WETTC, displays a list of Cost Centers in which an Employee can enter time exceptions for. For employees that work in many different cost centers this screen gives them a quick and easy way to know how much of their time has gone against each cost center. This screen was built to compliment WETTS.

The employee may select a cost center from the list below and would then enter a time exception for that cost center.

Cost Center
Available cost centers are displayed here.
The description of the cost center is displayed.
Distribution Mask
The distribution mask associated to the cost center is indicated here.

The start date of the time exception would be entered here.
The end date of the time exception would be entered here.
This field holds the start time of the time exception.
This field holds the end time of the time exception.
The job that was performed that the time exception is entered for is entered here.
Time Sheet #
The time sheet number that the time exception is to be associated with is entered here.