[{TableOfContents }] !!!REVIEW MY MISSING CLOCK PUNCHES This form is intended for Employees so they may review their missing clock punches. The screen is calendar driven allowing the employee to view by week or by month. They may select a date from the calendar to see missing clock punches for that date. !!Scheduled Missing Punches tab !Day Punch Summary This section displays a summary of the day's punches. ;[Start Time|MIN_START_TIME]:This field indicates the day's scheduled start time. ;[End Time|MAX_END_TIME]:This field indicates the day's scheduled end time. ;[INs|INS]: This field indicates the number of IN clock punches. ;[OUTs|OUTS]:This field indicates the number of OUT clock punches. ;[Missing|DRV_MISSING_PUNCH_TYP]: This field indicates what type of clock punch is missing. ;[Show Details by Punch Pairing|ACT_SHOW_DETAILS]: This field allows the employee to show the details. !Day Details ;[Start Time|START_TIME]: ;[End Time|END_TIME]: ;[Time Type|TIME_ENTRY_TYPE]: ;[Expected Punch^Prediction|CLOCK_TIME_TYPE]: ;[In^ Punch|DRV_IS_IN]: ;[Out ^ Punch|DRV_IS_OUT]: ;[Time Code|TIME_CODE]: \\ ;[Create Missing Punch|ACT_CREATE_INOUT]: ---- !!Unscheduled Missing Punches tab !Unscheduled Work Missing Punches ;[In|START_TIME]: ;[Out|END_TIME]: ;[Time Exception Type|TIME_EXCEPTION_TYPE]: ;[Time Exception Status|TIME_EXCEPTION_STATUS]: \\ ;[Create Unscheduled Missing Punch|ACT_CREATE_INOUT]: ---- !!Punch Pairing Information tab !Paired Time Values ;[In|START_TIME]: ;[Out|END_TIME]: ;[Type|TIME_EXCEPTION_TYPE]: ;[Status|TIME_EXCEPTION_STATUS]: !Paired Time Applied To ;Scheduled Shift: ;[Shift Date|SHIFT_DATE]: ;[Start Time|DRV_SHIFT_START_TIME]: ;[End Time|DRV_SHIFT_END_TIME]: ;[O/R Start Time|OVERRIDE_SHIFT_START_TIME]: ;[O/R End Time|OVERRIDE_SHIFT_END_TIME]: ;[Job/Unit|JOB_UNIT]: ;[Department|DEPARTMENT_CODE]: !Punch Information ;[Org. Date|ORIGINAL_CLOCK_DATE]: ;[Org. Time|ORIGINAL_CLOCK_TIME]: ;[Adj. Time|ADJUSTED_CLOCK_TIME]: ;[Type|CLOCK_ENTRY_TYPE]: ;[Clock Entry Status|CLOCK_ENTRY_STATUS]: ;[Authorization Status|AUTHORIZATION_STATUS]: ;[Clock Device|CLOCK_DEVICE_CODE]: ;[Reference Info|REFERENCE_INFO]: ;[Audit Info|AUDIT_TEXT]: !Costing Information ;[Time Code|TIME_CODE]: ;[Job|JOB_CODE]: ;[Department|DEPARTMENT_CODE]: ;[Cost Center|COST_CENTER_CODE]: ;[Distribution Mask|DISTRIBUTION_MASK]: