In case that you use earning code, EE could not see a distinction between the regular day and a holiday work since the earning code was not populated.
With this change this is possible. Client needs to set up special condition for a holiday work time code that is defined on IDHC (for more details see special condition set up)
If the EE wants to add a second shift in that day the they can see that they need to use holiday work special condition
;[Time Out|END_TIME]:The end time of the employee's shift is entered here.Time In| |
;[Cost Center|COST_CENTER_CODE]:If cost centers are used the cost center may be entered here.
;[Date|ENTRY_DATE]: This field holds the date of the time entry.
;[From|START_TIME]:The start time of the employee's shift is displayed here.
;[To|END_TIME]:The end time of the employee's shift is displayed here.
;[Work Time|TIME_OR_AMOUNT]:This field stores the value of the time the employee worked.
;[Holiday Time|TIME_OR_AMOUNT]:This field stores the value of the time the employee has taken for holidays.
;[Leave Time|TIME_OR_AMOUNT]:This field stores the value of the time the employee has taken for leaves.
;[GT| |]
;[Date|ENTRY_DATE]: This field holds the date of the time entry.
;[Assignment, Position|ASSIGNMENT_CODE POSITION_CODE]:The assignment code and position code for the time entry for this date
;[Earning Code| ]:This is the Earnings code for the earnings that are being entered for this date
;[Hours| ]:This is the hours that that are being entered for this date
;[Time In|START_TIME]:The start time of the employee's shift is entered here.
;[Meal Starts|START_TIME]:The time that the employee started to take their meal is entered here.
;[Meal Ends|END_TIME]:The time that the employee finished their meal is entered here.
;[Time Out|END_TIME]:The end time of the employee's shift is entered here.Time In| |
;[Cost Center|COST_CENTER_CODE]:If cost centers are used the cost center may be entered here.
!Leave Balances Tab
;[|Bank|LEAVE_POLICY_CODE]:This is the Leave Code for the accrual record being displayed.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides a short description of the leave.
;[Planned Leave|DRV_TOTAL_PLANNED]:The field indicates any planned time you have for this leave type.
;[Balance To Date|DRV_BALANCE_TO_DATE]:This field displays the balance of the leave at the time it was evaluated.
!View Audit Tab
;[Date|ENTRY_DATE]: This field holds the date of the time entry.
;[Assign|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]:The assignment code the time entry was generated for is displayed here.
;[Start Time|START_TIME]:The start time of the employee's shift is displayed here.
;[End Time|END_TIME]:The end time of the employee's shift is displayed here.
;[Value|TIME_OR_AMOUNT]:This field stores the value of the time.
;[TC|TIME_CODE]:This field stores the time code used to track the time.
;[Basis|TIME_BASIS]:This field indicates the basis of the time
;[Premiums|PREMIUM_CODES]:If a premium code is attached to the time entry it will be displayed here.
;[Cost Center|COST_CENTER_CODE]:If cost centers are used the cost center may displayed here.
Changes Made to
Original Hours
;[Date|ENTRY_DATE]: This field holds the date of the time entry.
;[Assign|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]:The assignment code the time entry was generated for is displayed here.
;[Value|TIME_OR_AMOUNT]:This field stores the value of the time.
;[TC|TIME_CODE]:This field stores the time code used to track the time.
;[Basis|TIME_BASIS]:This field indicates the basis of the time
;[Premiums|PREMIUM_CODES]:If a premium code is attached to the time entry it will be displayed here.
;[Cost Center|COST_CENTER_CODE]:If cost centers are used the cost center may displayed here.
;[Changed On|CHANGE_DATE]:This field indicates the date the change was made to the time entry.
;[Changed By|PERSON_CODE]:This field indicates the person who made the change to the time entry.
Time Rule
;[Date|ENTRY_DATE]: This field displays the date of the time entry.
;[Assign|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]:The assignment code the time entry was generated for is displayed here.
;[Start|START_TIME]:The start time of the employee's shift is displayed here.
;[End|END_TIME]:The end time of the employee's shift is displayed here.
;[Value|TIME_OR_AMOUNT]:This field stores the value of the time.
;[TC|TIME_CODE]:This field stores the time code used to track the time.
;[Basis|TIME_BASIS]:This field indicates the basis of the time
;[Premiums|PREMIUM_CODES]:If a premium code is attached to the time entry it will be displayed here.
;[Cost Center|COST_CENTER_CODE]:If cost centers are used the cost center may displayed here.
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