!!!My Projected Time Sheet - Entered Time by Week Date
The My Projected Time Sheet - Entered Time By Week Date (WETETBWD) allows users to enter work and meal time in one line. 
Setup needed in order to use this form:
!Non Leave Time processing
*In order to force this type of generation in IDWR we need to add the 'USE PRJ SCH SHFT' time rule.
*In case that the work calendar has a shift defined then the start/end time for work/meal it will be prepopulated on the ad hoc time exception. 
*For this client the work calendar will not have a shift defined, since they generate time by date w/o time 
*For non-leave time, user should entered at least Time In/Out\\Please keep in mind no time will be generated on time sheet entries if the user enters only hours and the time code associate is not a leave 
!Leave Time processing
*One date leave can be enter through AT screens (AAL needs approval) or directly in this screen (TTX will created AAL on the fly). 
*Multiple dates leaves can be entered only though AT screens(AAL) \\For this client that will use “generate time by date w/o time”, we need also to define “NON OVERLAY LV” time rule on IDWR in order to allow entering multiple days leaves \\We do not support start/ end times for multiple dates leave
*Starting with work done for this defect 'NON OVERLAY LV' rule is used as an indicator:
**To bypass this restriction 'If your Work Time Rule is to generate without time, you are not allow to enter a leave for multiple day' (AAL_00019), and in context of 'USE PRJ SCH SHFT'
system will generate ad hoc leave time exception for each work date with the projected time based assignment standard hours or work calendar hours). 
**To allow single date form/to leave generation, where time will be calculated based start/end times.
!HOLIDAY WORK - generation & special condition(earning code)

In case that you use earning code, EE could not see a distinction between the regular day and a holiday work since the earning code was not populated.
With this change this is possible. Client needs to set up special condition for a holiday work time code that is defined on IDHC (for more details see special condition set up)
If the EE wants to add a second shift in that day the they can see that they need to use holiday work special condition
\\The totals are calculated based on the time sheet entries generated based on information entered on Ad hoc time exceptions (Date Entries) so to see the time generated, please see the 'View Audit’ tab\\Time can be entered using From/To Times or hours, a combination of both is not allowed.
\\  \\
;[[Time Sheet#|TIME_SHEET_NUMBER]: This field represents the unique code assigned to the time sheet.
;[[Time Sheet Status|TIME_SHEET_STATUS]: The status of the time sheet is displayed here. Time Sheet Status is tied to the lexicon [[X_TIME_SHEET_STATUS].
;[[Start Date|DRV_START_DATE]:The start of the time frame the time sheet was generated for is displayed in this field.

Date|DRV_END_DATE]:The last day of the time frame the time sheet was
generated for is displayed in this field.__



pressing this action button the time sheet in focus will be marked as
Submitted and will no longer be available for edit by the employee. __



__!Details Tab__

__|Work Time| |__

__|Holiday Time| |__

__|Leave Time| |__

__|GT| |__


____W____EEK 1

This field holds the date of the time entry.__

start time of the employee's shift is displayed here.__

end time of the employee's shift is displayed here.__

Time____|TIME_OR_AMOUNT]:This field stores the value of the time
____the employee worked____.__

Time____|TIME_OR_AMOUNT]:This field stores the value of the time
____the employee has taken for holidays____. __

Time____|TIME_OR_AMOUNT]:This field stores the value of the time
____the employee has taken for leaves____. __

__;____[[GT| |]__



This field holds the date of the time entry.__

Position|ASSIGNMENT_CODE POSITION_CODE]:The assignment code and
position code for the time entry for this date__

Code| ____]:This is the Earnings code for the earnings that are
being entered for this date__

__;[[Hours| ]:This
is the hours that that are being entered for this date__

In|START_TIME]:The start time of the employee's shift is entered

Starts|START_____TIME]:The time ____that the employee started
to take their meal ____is ____entered ____here.__

Ends____|____END_____TIME]:The ____time that the employee
finished their meal ____is ____entered ____here.__

Out|END_TIME]:The end time of the employee's shift is entered
here.Time In| |__

Center|COST_CENTER_CODE]:If cost centers are used the cost center may
be entered  here.__


________WEEK 2

This field holds the date of the time entry.__

start time of the employee's shift is displayed here.__

end time of the employee's shift is displayed here.__

Time____|TIME_OR_AMOUNT]:This field stores the value of the time
____the employee worked____.__

Time____|TIME_OR_AMOUNT]:This field stores the value of the time
____the employee has taken for holidays____. __

Time____|TIME_OR_AMOUNT]:This field stores the value of the time
____the employee has taken for leaves____. __

__;____[[GT| |]__



This field holds the date of the time entry.__

Position|ASSIGNMENT_CODE POSITION_CODE]:The assignment code and
position code for the time entry for this date__

Code| ____]:This is the Earnings code for the earnings that are
being entered for this date__

__;[[Hours| ]:This
is the hours that that are being entered for this date__

In|START_TIME]:The start time of the employee's shift is entered

Starts|START_____TIME]:The time ____that the employee started
to take their meal ____is ____entered ____here.__

Ends____|____END_____TIME]:The ____time that the employee
finished their meal ____is ____entered ____here.__

Out|END_TIME]:The end time of the employee's shift is entered
here.Time In| |__

Center|COST_CENTER_CODE]:If cost centers are used the cost center may
be entered  here.__




__!Leave Balances

is the Leave Code for the accrual record being displayed.__

field provides a short description of the leave.__

Leave|DRV_TOTAL_PLANNED]:The field indicates any planned time you
have for this leave type.__

__;[[Balance To
Date|DRV_BALANCE_TO_DATE]:This field displays the balance of the
leave at the time it was evaluated.__




__!View Audit Tab__


This field holds the date of the time entry.__

assignment code the time entry was generated for is displayed here.__

Time____|START_TIME]:The start time of the employee's shift is
displayed here.__

Time|END_TIME]:The end time of the employee's shift is displayed

field stores the value of the time.__

field stores the time code used to track the time. __

field indicates the basis of the time__

a premium code is attached to the time entry it will be displayed

Center|COST_CENTER_CODE]:If cost centers are used the cost center may
displayed here.__


____Changes Made to
Original Hours__\\__

This field holds the date of the time entry.__

assignment code the time entry was generated for is displayed here.__

field stores the value of the time.__

field stores the time code used to track the time. __

field indicates the basis of the time__

a premium code is attached to the time entry it will be displayed

Center|COST_CENTER_CODE]:If cost centers are used the cost center may
displayed here.__

On|CHANGE_DATE]:This field indicates the date the change was made to
the time entry.__

By|PERSON_CODE]:This field indicates the person who made the change
to the time entry.__


____Time Rule

This field displays the date of the time entry.__

assignment code the time entry was generated for is displayed here.__

start time of the employee's shift is displayed here.__

end time of the employee's shift is displayed here.__

field stores the value of the time. __

field stores the time code used to track the time. __

field indicates the basis of the time__

a premium code is attached to the time entry it will be displayed

Center|COST_CENTER_CODE]:If cost centers are used the cost center may
displayed here.__






page='Internal.WETETBWD' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]__