This screen is only available in Personality v5.04++

Maintain My Employee Goals and Activities#

This screen is used to manage and submit your goals and activities.

The database tables involved with this screen are; P2K_SA_REVIEWS, P2K_SA_GOAL_GROUPS, P2K_SA_DEVELOPMENT_GOALS and P2K_SA_GOAL_ACTIVITES tables.

Field Definition Additional Notes
TitleThe position title assigned to the employees assignment.
Review NumberThis field indicates the identifying number of the review.
Period From/Period To These fields define the review period.
StatusThe status of the review is listed in this field.
Review PhaseThe current phase of the review is listed in this field.
Merit Month
Submit Goals For ApprovalThis button allows you to submit the development goals.

Review Goals tab#


Field Definition Additional Notes
CompetenciesThe competencies related to the goal are listed here.
DescriptionsA description of the competency is provided in this field


Field Definition Additional Notes
SeqThe numerical sequence of the goals are listed in this field.
DescriptionA description of the goal is provided in this field.
JobThe job associated with the goal is listed in this field.
Start DateThe start date of the goal is listed in this field.
Due DateThe completion date of the goal is listed in this field.
Goal WeightThe weight of the goal is listed in this field.

Goal Details#

Field Definition Additional Notes
Metric This is a text field up to 4000 characters. It is used to describe how the related goal is measured.
Goal Status A fixed lexicon field with available values from X_GOAL_STATUS.
Months in JobA number field used to identify the number of Months the employee has been in the job.
Competence This is the competence/skill that is related to the goal.
Created By The employee/manager whom created the goal.
Completion DateThe date when the goal was completed.
Completion LevelIdentifies the level of goal completion. These values are managed by the lexicon X_COMPLETION_LEVEL. The values in this lexicon are completely user defined.X_COMPLETION_LEVEL


Field Definition Additional Notes
Start Date The date the activity started.
Review Phase The current phase of the review when the related activity was created. These phases are driven by the lexicon X_REVIEW_PHASE which is completely a User Defined Lexicon.
End Date The date the activity ended.
Created By The employee/manager whom created the activity.
Goal Activity Status The current status of the activity. The values are driven from the lexicon X_ACTIVITY_STATUS.

Review Comments tab#

Field Definition Additional Notes
Employee CommentsThis field allows the employee to add comments regarding the review.
General Comments