!!!My Time Collection Hours ;[Time Sheet #|TIME_SHEET_NUMBER]: ;[Assignment|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]: ;[Date Frame|DRV_DATE_FRAME]: ;[Status|TIME_SHEET_STATUS]: !Time Sheet Details ;[TS #|TIME_SHEET_NUMBER]: ;[From|PAY_PERIOD_START_DATE]: ;[To|PAY_PERIOD_END_DATE]: ;[TS Status|TIME_SHEET_STATUS]: !Assignment Details ;[Assignment|ASSIGNMENT]: ;[Position|POSITION_CODE]: ;[Job|JOB_CODE]: ;[Department|DEPARTMENT_CODE]: !Leave Bank Balances ;[Leave|LEAVE_TYPE_CODE]: ;[Balance|DRV_BALANCE_TO_DATE]: \\ ;[Submit|ACT_SUBMIT_TIME_SHEET]: ;[Approve|ACT_APPROVE]: ;Go To Time Collection HISTORY: ---- !!Time Collection Hours ;[Date|ENTRY_DATE]: ;Assign: ;[Special Condition|SPECIAL_CONDITIONS]: ;[Value|TIME_OR_AMOUNT]: ;[Time Reason|REASON_FOR_TIME]: ;[Time Code|TIME_CODE]: ;Prem 1: ;[Cost|COST_CENTER_CODE]: ;[Comments|COMMENTS]: ---- !!Totals !Time Code Totals ;[Date|DATE]: ;[Time Code|TIME_CODE]: ;[Amount|TOTAL]: !Time Type Totals This section totals the hours within the time sheet by type of time entered. ;[Date|DATE]:This field will display either the week end date or the pay period end date depending on the selection made above under Time Sheet Summary. ;[Time Type|TIME_TYPE]:The type of time the time code is defined as will be displayed here. ;[Amount|TOTAL]:The total amount of time for the time type for the week or pay period will display here. !TC Set Totals This section totals the hours by time code sets. ;[Time Code Set|TIME_CODE_SET_CODE]: The name of the time code set will be displayed here. ;[Amount|TOTAL]:The total amount of time for the week or pay period for the time code set will display here. ---- !!Clock Punches ;[Original Clock Date|ORIGINAL_CLOCK_DATE]: ;[Clock Entry Type|CLOCK_ENTRY_TYPE]: !Associated Scheduled Shift ;[Work Type|TIME_EXCEPTION_TYPE]: ;[Shift|SHIFT_CODE]: ;[O/R Shift Start Time|OVERRIDE_SHIFT_START_TIME]: ;[O/R Shift End Time|OVERRIDE_SHIFT_END_TIME]: ;[Job/Unit|JOB_UNIT]: ;[Department|DEPARTMENT_CODE]: !Actual Punch Information ;[Clock Entry Status|CLOCK_ENTRY_STATUS]: ;[Time Exception Status|TIME_EXCEPTION_STATUS]: ;[Start Time|START_TIME]: ;[End Time|END_TIME]: ---- !!View Audit !Changes Made to Scheduled Time ;[Date|ENTRY_DATE]:This field holds the date of the time entry. ;[Assign|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]:The assignment code the time entry was generated for is displayed here. ;[Value|TIME_OR_AMOUNT]:This field stores the value of the time. ;[TC|TIME_CODE]:This field stores the time code used to track the time. ;[Basis|TIME_BASIS]:This field indicates the basis of the time, for example Hrs, $ ;[Premiums|PREMIUM_CODES]:If a premium code is attached to the time entry it will be displayed here. ;[Cost Center|COST_CENTER_CODE]:If cost centers are used the cost centre may displayed here. ;[Changed On|CHANGE_DATE]:This field indicates the date the change was made to the time entry. ;[Changed By|CHANGE_USER]:This field indicates the user who made the change to the time entry.