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!!!My Matrix Time Cards
The My Matrix Time Cards (WEPTCC) is a form intended for employees who charge their hours to predefined cost centers.

This screen is designed for a 7 day time sheet. If a 14 day time sheet is needed, the form definition needs to be changed as follows; on the form layout tab for any group that has the layout type of "Matrix Columns",  the "SS Rows Displayed" needs to be changed from 7 to 14.  This number should be the same as time sheet time frame.  

The entries in the Productive Time grid are created by running [UEGTS]. 

!!Basic Set Up
On the Distribution Tab of the [IEAS] for the employee, there must be at least one entry using the Split Rule of Distr Pick List from the lexicon [X_SPLIT_RULE].  The first two segments of the distribution provided on the [IEAS] will be compared to the first two segments of the distributions provided for the Cost Centers in [IDCC]. 

Below is an example of the set up on the Distribution Tab of the [IEAS] for an employee:

||Sequence #||Distribution Code||Split Rule||Distr %||User %||Amount $
|1|03-111-????-?????|Distr Pick List| | |
|20|10-667-8767-55555|Split By Percent|100.00|100.00| 

Below is an example of the set up in the [IDCC] for the cost centers:
||Entity||Cost Center||Description||Distribution||Start Date||End Date||Security Code
|Entity|FN-AR|Accounts Receivable|03-111-1111-11111| | | 
|Entity|FN-AP|Accounts Payable|03-111-1111-11122| | | 
|Entity|FN-PR|Payroll|03-111-1111-11133| | | 
|Entity|HR-Ben|Benefits Admin|03-112-1120-11111| | | 

If the employee will be entering daily time, the Status Rules on the employee's work rule ([IDWR]) should be set up as shown below.  The toggle for [Generate Details|GENERATE_DETAILS|] should also be 'On'.
||For the Status of||Obtain Details From||Generate Details||Into Time code||Generate Salary As
|ACTIVE|TM-Hours Calendar|By Day w/o Time|REG HRS| 
|PROBATION|TM-Hours Calendar|By Day w/o Time|REG HRS|