The My Pay History (WEPPH) screen allows you to see the payments you have received from your company along with the full details of each payment.

The definition data for the My Pay History screen is stored in the P2K_PR_DISBURSEMENTS, P2K_PR_DEPOSITS, P2K_PR_CHECKS and P2K_PR_PAY_STUBS table.

The screens allows the Pay History to be searched by Pay Issue Date, Period Starting/Ending Date, Pay Destination or Net Amount.

Your pay history will be listed at the top of the screen and identified through the following fields:

Pay Issued Date
This field identifies the date the pay was disbursed.
Period Starting / Period Ending
These fields identify the first and last dates of the pay period.
Net Amount
This field displays the dollar amount of the pay.
By clicking on one of the pays listed, you will be able to see further details about that assignment in the following fields. Please note that in the numerical fields, the amount of decimal points is determined in Personality, not in Self Service.

The Search for this form will work on any column in the Find using full or partial values including part of a dollar value.

Deposits tab#

If the pay was deposited directly into the your account, this field will provide information about that deposit.
Bank Name
This field displays the name of the bank where the deposit was made.
Bank Account
This field displays the account number where the deposit was made.
Bank Transit
This field displays the transit number of the bank where the deposit was made.
This field displays the type of bank account where this deposit was made.
e.g. Savings or Checking/Chequing.
Deposit #
This field displays the number of the deposit made during this pay period.
This field displays the status of the deposit.
This field displays the date of the deposit.
This field displays the amount of the deposit made.

Checks tab#

If the pay was given out by check, the details about the paycheck will be provided here.
Check #
This field displays the number of the check issued for the pay period.
This field displays the type of check issued.
This field displays the status of the check.
Paid To
This field identifies to whom the check was made out.
This field displays the date that the check was cleared at the bank.
This field displays the amount of the check.

Pay Stubs tab#

This tab displays detailed information on how the pay was broken down and to which pay detail the amounts are stored in. Please note that in the numerical fields, the amount of decimal points is determined in Personality, not in Self Service.
This field identifies the order in which the items were processed.
This field categorizes the pay item into a specific group.
Pay Item
This field displays the abbreviated name of the pay detail.
Current Amount
This field displays the pay detail amount calculated and stored for the current period.
Year to Date Amount
This field displays the pay detail's year to date amount for the current date.

Notes #

Click to create a new notes page