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!!!My Time Card - Calendar View

The My Time Card - Calendar View (WEPCTC) screen displays the employee's time entries in the format of a monthly calendar. The employee's time entries are displayed within the calendar on the days he/she is working. The day's details may be visible in the lower portion of the screen beneath the calendar grid. 

Color can be added to the leave types in the calendar box.  The colors are user selected and can be setup by following the steps in the document [Leave Policy Colors].  

!!Day Details
The calendar will display the entry date, a summary of the time worked and any leave that may be recorded for the day. 


The employee may add entries to the calendar by using the following fields:

;Assignment/Position: This field holds the assignment and position the employee worked for that time entry. 
;[Special Conditions|SPECIAL_CONDITIONS]:If the time is associated to a special condition, it will display here. 
;[Time Code|TIME_CODE]:The time code associated to the entered time will display. 
;[Time or Amount|TIME_OR_AMOUNT]:The amount of time will display here. 
;[Basis|TIME_BASIS]:The basis of the amount will display.
;[Cost Center|COST_CENTER_CODE]:If the time is associated to a cost center, the cost center will display.
;[Comments|REFERENCE_INFO]:Additional comments on the time entry may be added. 

!!Time Sheet
;[Time Sheet #|TIME_SHEET_NUMBER]:This field represents the unique code assigned to the time sheet. 
;[Time Sheet Status|TIME_SHEET_STATUS]:The status of the time sheet is displayed here. 
;[Start Date|START_DATE]:    The start of the time frame the time sheet was generated for is displayed in this field. 
;[End Date|END_DATE]:The last day of the time frame the time sheet was generated for is displayed in this field. 

;[Submit|ACT_SUBMIT_TIME_SHEET]:By pressing this action button the time sheet in focus will be marked as Submitted and will no longer be available for edit by the employee.\\ The stages of the time sheet and user's ability to edit the time sheet are described in the [TIME SHEET STAGES] page.

;[Date|ENTRY_DATE]:This field represents the day that the time entry/exception was generated/entered for
;Assignment,Position:This field will display the Assignment/Position that the time entry was generated/entered for. 
;[Special Condition|SPECIAL_CONDITIONS]:
;[Time Code|TIME_CODE]:This field will display the time code that the exception was generated against.
;[Time or Amount|TIME_OR_AMOUNT]:The amount of time the time entry was entered for is displayed here. 
;[Basis|TIME_BASIS]:The basis of the time entered is displayed here. 
;[Cost Center|COST_CENTER_CODE]:This field is used to associate a cost center to the time exception.
;[Comments|REFERENCE_INFO]:This field is used to enter notes for the time exception.

__Reimbursements and Deductions__

;[Time or Amount|TIME_OR_AMOUNT]:

__Time Code Totals__
;[Date|DATE]:This field will display the pay period end date. 
;[Time Code|TIME_CODE]:This field will display the Time Code the total is for. 
;[Amount|TOTAL]:This field displays the total amount of time for the Time Code.
;[Show Total|ACT_SHOW_TOTAL]:This toggle will derive the totals. 


__Assignments Totals__
;Assignment/Position:This displays the Assignment/Position the total amount is for. 
;[Amount|TOTAL_TIME_OR_AMOUNT]:The total amount of time is displayed here for the associated Assignment/Position.


__Time Code Set Totals__

This section totals the hours by time code sets. 
;[Time Code Set|TIME_CODE_SET_CODE]:The name of the time code set will be displayed here. 
;[Amount|ACTUAL_AMOUNT]:The total amount of time for pay period for the time code set will display here.


__Leave Bank Balances__

This section displays a summary of the employee's leave balances. 
;[Leave|LEAVE_TYPE_CODE]:The Leave Type code will display here. 
;[Balance|DRV_BALANCE_TO_DATE]:This field will display the employee's leave balance.


__Cascaded Leaves__

This section will display any leaves recorded in the time sheet in focus that have cascaded to another leave policy.
;[Start Date|START_DATE]:This field will display the start date of the leave. 
;[End Date|END_DATE]:This field will display the last day of the leave.
;[Time Code|TIME_CODE]:The time code associated to the recorded leave is displayed here.
;[Type|LEAVE_TYPE_CODE]:The type of leave the time is for is displayed here. 
;[Projected Time|PROJECTED_TIME]:The amount of projected time for the leave is displayed here. 
;[Actual Time|OVERALL_LEAVE_TIME]:The actual overall amount of leave time is displayed here.
;[Basis|TIME_BASIS]:The time basis of the leave is displayed here. 

;[Time Code|TIME_CODE]:The time code of the entered leave is displayed here.
;[Type|LEAVE_POLICY_CODE]:The actual policy code of the leave is displayed. 
;[Amount|AMOUNT]:This field will hold the amount of leave taken.
;[Basis|TIME_BASIS]:This field will display the time basis of the leave. 
;[Bank Exceeded|BANK_EXCEEDED]:If the leave bank has been exceeded, it will be indicated here. 

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