!!!Electronic Signature Agreement
This screens purpose is so facilitate the creation of a "Master Electronic Agreement Signature".  This Master/Parent signature is used to provide a overarching Agreement in which all child agreements will be attached to.  This is useful to create a type of "Terms and Conditions" that have to be agreed to before any related electronic signatures can be issued to child documents.
The agreement verbiage is located in [WAMII - Important Information|WAMII] under the INFO CODE of "WEESA".  Simply edit the INFORMATION field with your new verbiage during initial implementation so that it related to your organization.

!!Verification Information
By default 3 out of 5 Preloaded User Defined Columns are used to assist in creating a HASH/Encryption for all documents that are going to be signed off.  These columns are derived which have special logic associated with them..


|| Prompt || Column Name || Character Limit
| First Name | DRV_COLUMN01 | 4000 
| Last Name | DRV_COLUMN02 | 4000 
| SSN | DRV_COLUMN03 | 4000 
| NA | DRV_COLUMN01 | 4000 
| NA | DRV_COLUMN01 | 4000 
|I Agree | DRV_USER_SIGNOFF | Toggle