!!!My Training History 
The My Training History screen displays the courses you have taken and their status.

The courses in your training history will be listed and identified by the following fields.
;[Course|COURSE_CODE]:This field displays the name of the course you have taken or are enrolled in.
;[Class|CLASS_CODE]:This field identifies the class you attended or are enrolled in for the course.
;[Start|COURSE_START_DATE]:This field displays the date the class commenced.
;[Status|CLASS_STATUS]:This field displays your status in the course. 
;:e.g. Completed - OK, Requested, Approved, Enrolled, etc.
;[Format|COURSE_FORMAT]:This field displays the format in which the class was taught.
;:e.g. Classroom, Online, etc. 
;[Status|COURSE_STATUS]:This field displays your status in the course. 
;:e.g. Completed - OK, Requested, Approved, Enrolled, etc.
;[End|COURSE_END_DATE]:This field displays the date the class ended.
;[Grade|FINAL_GRADE]:This field displays the final grade you received for the course.
;:%%information Please note that the number of decimal points displayed for the grade shown are not determined directly in Self Service, but rather in [{$applicationname}].%%
;[Objectives|OBJECTIVES]:This field displays a short description of the intended end result of the course.