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The My Training History (WECTH) screen displays the courses you have taken and their status.

The definition data for the My Training History screen is stored in the [P2K_CP_CLASS_REGISTRATIONS] table.

The courses in your training history will be listed and identified by the following fields.
;[Course|COURSE_CODE]:This field displays the name of the course you have taken or are enrolled in.
;[Class|CLASS_CODE]:This field identifies the class you attended or are enrolled in for the course.
;[Start|COURSE_START_DATE]:This field displays the date the class commenced.
;[Status|CLASS_STATUS]:This field displays your status in the course. 
;:e.g. Completed - OK, Requested, Approved, Enrolled, etc.
;[Format|COURSE_FORMAT]:This field displays the format in which the class was taught.
;:e.g. Classroom, Online, etc. 
;[Status|COURSE_STATUS]:This field displays your status in the course. 
;:e.g. Completed - OK, Requested, Approved, Enrolled, etc.
;[End|COURSE_END_DATE]:This field displays the date the class ended.
;[Grade|FINAL_GRADE]:This field displays the final grade you received for the course.
;:%%information Please note that the number of decimal points displayed for the grade shown are not determined directly in Self Service, but rather in Personality.%%
;[Objectives|OBJECTIVES]:This field displays a short description of the intended end result of the course.   

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