The My Competency History form allows you to view the competencies you have listed in your company’s records.
Your competencies will be listed and identified through the following fields.
- Category
- This field places the competency into a specific 'group'.
- Competence
- This field displays the short name, reference code, or number that uniquely identifies this competence within the organization.
- Level
- This field indicates the level of competency required for this job profile.
- Confirmed Status
- This field indicates whether the competency has been confirmed by the company.
By highlighting any of the competencies, you will see further details about the competency through the following fields:
- Category Desc.
- This field displays a short description of the competency category.
- Comp. Desc.
- This field displays a short description of the competence.
- Level Desc.
- This field displays a short description of the competency level.
- Start Date / End Date
- Certain competencies are time sensitive, such as a first aid certificate that must be renewed every two years. These fields identify the time period that the competency is valid.
- Confirmed On
- This field will indicate the date the competency was confirmed by the organization.
- Confirmed By
- This field indicates who confirmed the competency.
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