My Benefit and Recipients#

This WEBRP screen is used to view all available benefits for an employee whether they are enrolled or not enrolled. Here you can associate the specific Benefit Recipients to the benefit plan. In order for a contact to be available for selection on this screen they need to be setup in the WEBRA - My Benefit Recipients screen with a Contact Type of "Recipient".

Benefit Plans#

Column NameData TypeDescription
Plan TypeVARCHAR2The name of the plan type code.
PlanVARCHAR2The name of the Benefit Plan Code.
DescriptionVARCHAR2Text to further describe the Benefit Plan.
Participation RuleLEXICON A lexicon of values from X_PARTICIPATION_RULE that indicate if the Benefit Plan is Optional or Required.
STATUSLEXICONA lexicon of values from X_ENROLLMENT_STATUS. This value indicates if the employee is Enrolled in the benefit or not.

Benefit Recipient#

Column NameData TypeDescription
NameVARCHAR2The name of the contact.
GenderLEXICONA Lexicon with a list of Genders that could apply to the contact. The lexicon can be found at X_GENDER.
RelationLEXICONA lexicon with a list of Relations such as 'Brother'. The lexicon values can be found at X_RELATION.
Benefit%NUMBERA percentage used to indicate the percentage of the benefit that an employee is to receive. For example, 50% of a Life Insurance Plan.
Start DateDATEA date that identifies the start of the period of time for which the contact will become a benefit recipient.
End DateDATEA date that identifies the enmd of the period of time for which the contact will become a benefit recipient.
Bond ParticipationLEXICONA lexicon that indicates the participation type of the BOND. Lexicon values can be found at X_BOND_PARTICIPATION.