[{TableOfContents }] !!!MY BENEFIT RECIPIENTS Benefit Recipients are the contacts that are associated with an employee's coverage under the benefit plan.\\ They are usually dependents, beneficiaries or bond owners.\\ Define Benefit Recipients data is maintained on the [P2K_BE_BENEFIT_RECIPIENTS] table.\\ \\ ;[SALUTATION]: A prefix to your name such as MR, MRS, DR. ;[First Name|FIRST_NAME]:This field provides the first name used by the contact. This field is not updateable here; the data can only be altered through Employee Contacts ([IECT]). ;[Last Name|LAST_NAME]: This is the surname of the contact. This field is not updateable here; the data can only be altered through Employee Contacts ([IECT]). ;[MIDDLE NAME|MIDDLE_NAME]: This is the middle name of the contact. This field is not updateable here; the data can only be altered through Employee Contacts ([IECT]). ;[Relation|RELATION]:Describes the relationship of a person to the employee or the user with whom they are associated. Relation is an optional fixed lexicon ([X_RELATION]) you may use to look up the value. This field is not updateable here; the data can only be altered through Employee Contacts ([IECT]). ;[RANK]: The suffix to the contacts name such as JR or III. ;[Government_Code]: Social Security Number of the Benefit contact. ;[Gender]:This field indicates whether the contact person is male or female. This field is not updateable here; the data can only be altered through Employee Contacts ([IECT]). ;[Birth Date|BIRTH_DATE]: This is the date of birth of the contact. ;[Age|DRV_AGE]: This is the derived age of the contact ‘As Of’ a specified date. ;[Language|LANGUAGE_CODE]: The primary language of the benefit contact. ;[Address 1|ADDRESS_LINE_1]: Line one of the contacts address ;[Address 2|ADDRESS_LINE_2]: Line two of the contacts address ;[City|CITY_CODE]: The city of residence for the contact ;[State, Country|STATE_COUNTRY]: The State and Country of the benefits contact ;[Zip Code|ZIP_POSTAL]: The zip code or postal code (CANADA) of the benefits contact ;[Phone|PHONE_NUMBER]: Phone Number of the contact ;[EXTN|EXTERNAL_NUMBER]: The Extension for the benefits contact ;[EMAIL|EMAIL]: Email address of the benefits contact ;[Disabled Indicator|DISABLED]: A toggle that indicates if the benefits contact is disabled or not. ;[Student Indicator|STUDENT_INDICATOR]: A Toggle that indicates that the contact is a student. ;[Student Until|STUDENT_UNTIL]: Identifies the date until which the benefit contact will be a student no longer. \\ \\ !!Contact Types Contact types identify which types the selected contact will fall under. For example, a contact can be listed on the [WEBRA] screen but only be a Beneficiary or they could be a Beneficiary and a Spouse etc. The default list of Contact Types can be found in the lexicon [X_CONTACT_TYPE] or view below, %%zebra-table ||Contact Type||Contact Type |Not Specified|Witness |Spouse|Medical Facility |Dependent|Medical Practitioner |Emergency Contact|Employee |Beneficiary|Safety Committee Member |Bond Owner|Safety Reviewer |Business Contact|Safety Participant |Personal|Investigator/Interviewer |Other|Insurer/TPA |Benefit Carrier|Trustee |Instructor|Injured party |Contingency|NR Recipient Name1 |Emp Cross Ref.|NR Recipient Name2 |Additional Emergency| !!Recipient is Enrolled In The Following Benefits ||Column Name||Data Type||Definition |[Plan|PLAN_CODE]|VARCHAR2|This unique user-defined code identifies the plan to the organization. |[Description|DESCRIPTION]|VARCHAR2| This is a user-defined description of the benefit plan. Description is defaulted from the plan/ coverage. |[Start Date|START_DATE]|DATE| This is the date from which dependent coverage or beneficiary status starts. |[End Date|END_DATE]|DATE| This is the date after which dependent coverage or beneficiary status ends. |[Benefit %|BENEFIT_PERCENT]|NUMBER| This is the percentage of dependent coverage or beneficiary amount for this plan. |[Bond Participation|BOND_PARTICIPATION]|TOGGLE| If this is a bond plan and this benefit recipient is participating in the bond then what is their part (owner, co-owner, etc)? ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.IBRA] [{InsertPage page='Internal.IBRA' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]