MY BENEFIT ELECTIONS (Printable Version)#

At any time during the Open Enrollment the employee may print a summary of their open enrollment benefit elections.

My Election Stage
The stage of the employee's open enrollment will display here.
Election Opened
The start date of the open enrollment will display here.
Election Closed
The end date of the open enrollment will display here.

Summary of Benefit Election Decisions#

The plan code of the elected plan will display here.
The description of the coverage is displayed.
This field will indicate if the plan requires employee participation.
Election Decision
This field will indicate if the employee has made changes to their current enrollments.

Summary of Declined Benefit Elections#

This field will display the plan that the employee has declined.
The description of the plan will display here.
Reason for Decline
The employee will be prompted with an LOV to select a reason for decline. This field is tied to the lexicon X_BE_DECLINE_REASON.

Summary of Benefit Election Costs#

The plan code of the elected plan will display here.
The description of the coverage is displayed.
This toggle indicates if the costs displayed are estimates. The true cost will be determined during the payroll process. This toggle will be checked ON if the coverage has the Estimated Costs toggle on in IBPN.
Your Cost Pre Tax
If the cost of the benefit is calculated Pre-Tax, the cost will display in this field. This is derived from the Benefit Component BC1040.
Your Cost Post Tax
If the cost of the benefit is calculated Post Tax, the cost will display in this field. This is derived from the Benefit Component BC1040.
Employer Cost
The employer's cost will be displayed here. This is derived from the Benefit Component B0680.
The costs are shown in the basis chosen by the employee, by Year / Month / Period. The basis may be changed in Step 4 on the first tab.

Notes #

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