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The My Leave Planning (WEALP) screen assists users in planning scheduled leaves. 

The definition data for the My Leave Planning screen is stored in the [P2K_AT_LEAVE_ACCRUALS] and [P2K_AT_LEAVE_LINES] tables.

This screen allows users to view their past and future leaves through the calendar provided.   If a user has decided which time they would like to take as leave, users can also use the screen to issue a request to your supervisor.

When a Leave Request is entered, users can force the leave to go through approvals before it can be processed.  To turn on/off this functionality, the preference [LEAVE_APPRVL_REQ|LEAVE_APPRVL_REQ(System_Preference)] must be setup.

Leave requests can be automatically submitted when entered and saved.  This will be done according to the preference setting [LEAVE_AUTO_SUB|LEAVE_AUTO_SUB(System_Preference)].  

%%information This area of Employee Self Service may not have been made available by your employer.%%

On the top of the screen, a calendar is displayed.   Users can choose to see the calendar by month or by week by selecting one of the toggles on the right.

!!Click ‘+ Add’ to Request a Leave
This area allows users to submit a request for time off.
;[Start Date|START_DATE]:Enter the start date of the planned leave in this field. (Mandatory)
;[End Date|END_DATE]:Enter the last date of the planned leave in this field. (Mandatory)
;[Start|START_TIME] / [End Time|END_TIME]:If leave is for less than a full day, the start and end times of that leave are defined in these fields.
;[Reason|LEAVE_REASON]:This field displays the reason for the leave.
;[Proj. Time|PROJECTED_TIME]:The amount of time planned is displayed here.
;[Time Basis|TIME_BASIS]:This field provides the time basis the overall leave time is expressed in, such as DY (days) or HR (hours).
;[Approv.|LEAVE_APPROVAL]:This field shows if the leave time has been approved.

!!Leave Balance
;[Leave|LEAVE_TYPE_CODE]:Select the leave type to display the current balance.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides a short description of the leave.
;[Evaluated|EVALUATED_DATE]:This field defines the last date the leave balance was evaluated.
;[Basis|DRV_TIME_BASIS]:This field provides the time basis the overall leave time is expressed in, such as DY (days) or HR (hours).
;[Current Balance|DRV_BALANCE_TO_DATE]:This field displays the balance of the leave at the time it was evaluated. When calculating the balance up to date, previously entered leave lines (status 1-Requested) and unprocessed time of Partial Process leaves are taken into consideration.

;[Planned Leave|DRV_TOTAL_PLANNED]:The field displays any planned time the user has for this leave type.

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