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The My Leave Planning (WEALP) screen assists you in planning your scheduled leaves. 

The definition data for the My Leave Planning screen is stored in the [P2K_AT_LEAVE_ACCRUALS] and [P2K_AT_LEAVE_LINES] tables.

This screen allows you to view your past and future leaves through the calendar provided.   If you have decided which time you would like to take as leave, you may also use the screen to issue a request to your supervisor.

When a Leave Request is entered, you can force the leave to go through approvals before it can be processed.  To turn on/off this functionality, the preference [LEAVE_APPRVL_REQ|LEAVE_APPRVL_REQ(System_Preference)] must be setup.

Leave requests can be automatically submitted when entered and saved.  This will be done according to the preference setting [LEAVE_AUTO_SUB|LEAVE_AUTO_SUB(System_Preference)].  

On the left hand side of the screen, you will find a calendar.   You can choose to see the calendar by month or by week by selecting one of the toggles to the right of it.

!!Click ‘+ Add’ to Request a Leave
This area allows you to submit a request for time off.
;[Start Date|START_DATE]:Enter the start date of the planned leave in this field. (Mandatory)
;[End Date|END_DATE]:Enter the last date of the planned leave in this field. (Mandatory)
;[Start|START_TIME] / [End Time|END_TIME]:If leave is for less than a full day, the start and end times of that leave are indicated in these fields.
;[Reason|LEAVE_REASON]:This field displays the reason for the leave.
;[Proj. Time|PROJECTED_TIME]:The amount of time planned is indicated here.
;[Time Basis|TIME_BASIS]:This field provides the time basis in which the overall leave time is expressed.
i.e.  DY (days) or HR (hours)
;[Approv.|LEAVE_APPROVAL]:This field shows if the time has been approved.

!!Remove Leave Button
This is used to remove a Leave Request that has been entered by the employee. 
!!Leave Balance
;[Leave|LEAVE_TYPE_CODE]:This field is used to select a leave the balance you would like to know.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides a short description of the leave.
;[Evaluated|EVALUATED_DATE]:This field indicates the last date the leave balance was evaluated.
;[Basis|DRV_TIME_BASIS]:This field provides the time basis in which the overall leave time is expressed.
;:i.e.  DY (days) or HR (hours)
;[Current Balance|DRV_BALANCE_TO_DATE]:This field displays the balance of the leave at the time it was evaluated.
;[Planned Leave|DRV_TOTAL_PLANNED]:The field indicates any planned time you have for this leave type.
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