The My Assessment History form allows you to view information regarding your individual
assessments within your company.
Once you have accessed the form, you will see a list of the assessments you either have been scheduled for or have taken through Professional or Candidate Self Service. These assessments will be identified through the following fields:
- Assessment
- This field identifies the assessment.
- Date
- This field indicates the date and time of the assessment.
- Status
- This field displays the current status of the assessment event.
If you highlight a specific assessment, full details about that assessment will be provided through the following fields:
Assessment Details#
- Location
- This field indicates the location of where the assessment is to or has occurred.
- Employee
- This field displays the name of the employee conducting the assessment.
- Contact
- If there is a contact person for this assessment event, that individual may be indicated here.
- Type
- This field groups the assessment into a specific type.
- Category
- This field further classifies the assessment into specific groups.
- Rating
- This field displays the rating received for the assessment.
- Points
- This field records the points obtained in this assessment.
- Desired Pts.
- Desired Points; This field displays the desired points a candidate should obtain for this assessment.
- Essential Pts.
- Essential Points; This field displays the points a candidate must obtain to pass this assessment.
- By pressing this field you will directed to the assessment.
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