The My Applications screen allows you to view all the postings you have applied for within the system.

You will be presented with a list of all your applications identified by the following fields.
;[Applied On|APPLICATION_OPENED]:This field indicates the date the recruiters received the application.
;[Application #|APPLICATION_CODE]:This field displays the application code which uniquely identifies the application within the system.
;[Posting #|POSTING_CODE]:This field displays the unique code of the posting.
;[Posting Title|POSTING_TITLE]:This field displays the name of the posting.
;[Status|APPLICATION_STATUS]:This field displays the current status of the application.

By selecting and clicking on a specific application, you will be provided full details about the application.

;CLICK TO VIEW POSTINGS: By clicking on this button you will be directed to the 'View Open Postings' ([WCRPO]) screen 

__Application Details__
;[Application|APPLICATION_CODE]:This field displays the assigned code which uniquely identifies the application within the system.
;[Stage|APPLICATION_STAGE]:This field identifies the status of the application.

__Application Dates__
;[Posting Closed|POSTING_CLOSED]:This field displays the date that no additional info will be accepted for the posting.
;[Application Closed|APPLICATION_CLOSED]:This field displays the date that the application is no longer valid because it was canceled or rejected.

__You May Withdraw Your Application At Any Time__
;[WITHDRAW APPLICATION|ACT_CAND_WDRAW_APP]:By clicking this button you may remove your application from considered. The application will then be displayed with a ‘cancelled’ status.

__Your Availability__
;[Hours/Day|HOURS_PER_DAY]:This field displays the hours per day you are available to work.
;[Hours/Week|HOURS_PER_WEEK]:This field displays the hours per week you are available to work.

__Salary Expectations__
;[Salary From|SALARY_FROM]:This field displays the minimum salary you expect for the position.
;[Salary To|SALARY_TO]:This field displays the maximum salary you expect for the position.

__How Did You Learn of This Posting?__
;[Source|REFERENCE_SOURCE]:This field indicates how you found out about the posting.

__Motivation to Apply__
;[Details|MOTIVATION_TO_APPLY]:This field provides your motivation for applying to the position in this field.

!Additional Info (Cover Letter, etc.)
;[Details|APPLICATION_TEXT]:This field provides additional information about your application in this area.

__Posting Information__
;[Posting #|POSTING_CODE]:This field displays the unique code of the posting.
;[Posting Title|POSTING_TITLE]:This field displays the name of the posting.
;[Posting Status|POSTING_STATUS]:This field indicates the current status of the posting.
;[Posting Opened|GENERAL_POSTING_OPENED]:This field indicates the first date that applications for the posting will be accepted.
;[Posting Closed|POSTING_CLOSED]:This field indicates the last date that applications for the posting will be accepted.

__Position Details__
;[Start|ASSIGNMENT_START_DATE]:This field displays the date the assignment is to start.
;[End|ASSIGNMENT_END_DATE]:If this assignment is date sensitive, the last date of the assignment will be displayed here.
;[Hrs/Day|HOURS_PER_DAY]:This field displays the average daily hours associated with this assignment.
;[Hrs/Week|HOURS_PER_WEEK]:This field displays the average weekly hours associated with this assignment.
;[Wage Rate $|DRV_WAGE_RATE]:This field displays the wage rate for the job profile.
;[Basis|DRV_RATE_BASIS]:This field displays the rate basis in which the wage is expressed.

__Nature of Work__
;[Type|EMPLOYMENT_TYPE]:This field allows you to define the type of the employment for the assignment.
;[Responsibility|RESPONSIBILITY_LEVEL]:This field indicates the level of responsibility within the company required for this job.

__Assessments Information__
;[Assess|ASSESSMENT_CODE]:This field defines the exact assessment the candidate will be taking.
;[Assess. Status|ASSESSMENT_STATUS]:This field will display the current status of the assessment event.
;[Assess. Date|ASSESSMENT_DATE_TIME]:This field indicates the date of the assessment.
;[Assess. Rating|ASSESSMENT_RATING]:This field displays the rating the candidate received for this assessment.
;[Assess. Points|ASSESSMENT_POINTS]:This field allows you to record the points the candidate obtained in this assessment.
;Conducted by Contract:This field will display the name of the individual conducting the assessment.
;Conducted by EE: This field will display the name of the employee conducting the assessment.
;[Location|LOCATION_CODE]:This field will indicate where the assessment is to take place.
;[Assess. Text|ASSESSMENT_EVENT_TEXT]:This field provides additional information about the assessment.