!!!Employee Performance Reviews
This screen is used to create and maintain employee reviews.  This is a administrative screen which means the user who has access to it will be able to see all employees in Personality minus any [IMSV - Security|IMSV] settings.
!!Available Options
;Initiate Review: This button is used to create a review for the highlighted employee.
;Submit: The Submit button is used to send the review through the approval process if once exists.

!!Review Details
||Column Name||Data Type||Description
|[REVIEW_DATE]|DATE|The date the review was created for.
|[REVIEW_NUMBER]|NUMBER|The unique number given to a review.
|[REVIEW_TYPE_CODE]|VARCHAR2|The type of review being conducted.  The type here are listed from populating the [ISRT] Screen.
|[JOB]|VARCHAR2|The current job of the selected employee.
|[POSITION]|VARCHAR2|The Position Code associated to the employee and review.
|[STATUS]|LEXICON|A lexicon value populated from the lexicon [X_REVIEW_STATUS].
|[OVERALL_RATING]|LEXICON|A lexicon value popualted from the lexicon [X_OVERALL_RATING].
|[REVIEW_PHASE]|LEXICON|A lexicon value popualted from the lexicon [X_REVIEW_PHASE].
|[OVERALL_POINTS]|NUMBER|Total number of points allocated to the review for the selected employee.  This number is usually the total of the points from the Review Ratings portion of the review.

;[Assignment|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]:This field displays the assignment to which this review is related. For example, if the review is for an employee’s performance in their main assignment, choose “Primary Assignment” here. 

;[Review Method|REVIEW_METHOD]:This field shows the method used to conduct this review or this type of review. 

;[Overall Points|OVERALL_POINTS]:This field displays the total number of points for this review. 

;[Next Review Date|NEXT_REVIEW_DATE]:This field displays the date of the next review for the employee. 

;[Review Done By|REVIEW_DONE_BY]:This field indicates who conducted the review. 

;[Based on Prior Job|BASED_ON_PRIOR_JOB]:If the person is being reviewed on a job they previously held, check this toggle. 

;[EE Relations Manager Req'd.|]:If an employee relations manager is required, this toggle is checked.

;[Potential]: a Lexicon value indicating the amount of Potential an employee has to succeed.  [X_POTENTIAL]

;[Retension_risk]: a lexicon value indicating the amount or risk and employee is of leaving the company.  These values are stored in [X_RETENTION_RISK]

;[Reviewer|EID_ID_REVIEWER]:This field displays the individual conducted the review.

;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field allows you to include additional information about the review. 

;[Comments|REVIEW_COMMENTS]:This field allows you to attach comments to a particular review. 
!!Review Ratings
;[Review Category|REVIEW_CATEGORY]:This field displays the categories that have been defined for the review type. This data will default in from the Review Type ([ISRT]) form. 
;[Review Rating|REVIEW_RATING]:This field displays the review rating given if you are using a subjective system. This rating may also include alphanumeric descriptions of the review points awarded. 
;[Points|REVIEW_POINTS]:This field shows the points that have been awarded to the employee for performance in this category, if a points system is used to rate employees. 
;[Max Points|DRV_MAXIMUM_POINTS]: This field will show the maximum points a candidate may obtain for this review.
;[Weighted Points|DRV_WEIGHTING_POINTS]:
;[Total Points|DRV_TOTAL_POINTS]:
;[Comments|COMMENTS]:This field displays any comments that may have been added in regards to the employee's performance ratings.