!!!Rate Employee Goals \\ This screen is used to manage all employee goals and their related activities and comments. On this screen a administrator can view ALL employees based on their [IMSV] Security setup. They can also edit/enter manager comments and ratings. \\ \\ %%zebra-table ||Column Name||Data Type||Description |[ASSIGNMENT_TITLE]|VARCHAR2|The Assignment Title granted to the selected employee. |[FROM|FROM_DATE(Field)]|DATE|The period of time for which the goals are valid from. |[TO|TO_DATE(Field)]|DATE|The period of time for which the goals are valid to. |[MONTHS|MONTHS_IN_JOB]|MONTHS|The number of months the employee was in his job. |[NUMBER|REVIEW_NUMBER]|NUMBER|The number associated with the employee review. |[REVIEW PHASE|REVIEW_PHASE]|NUMBER|The current phase of the review. These values are from the lexicon [X_REVIEW_PHASE]. |[REVIEW STATUS|REVIEW_STATUS]|NUMBER|The current status of the review. These values are from the lexicon [X_REVIEW_STATUS] \\ \\ !!Available Options __Submit Goals For Approval:__ This button submits the goals to go through the approval process. \\ \\ %%tabbedSection %%tab-ReviewGoals !!!Competencies This table lists the competencies that are associated with the review. These competencies are from [ICCC]. \\ \\ !!!Goals %%zebra-table ||Column Name||Data Type||Description |[SEQ|SEQUENCE]|NUMBER|The order in which the goals are shown/processed. |[DESCRIPTION]|TEXT|Additional text identifying the Goal. |[JOB_TITLE|JOB]|TEXT|The Title of the job related to the goal. |[START_DATE]|DATE|The date the goal began. |[END_DATE]|DATE|The date the goal is due to be completed. |[GOAL_WEIGHT]|NUMBER|The weighting given to the specified goal. |[SAR_ID_EE]|EMPLOYEE RATING|The employee rating for the goal. These values come from the [ISAR] screen. |[SAR_ID_MGR]|MANAGER RATING|The Managers rating for the goal. These values come from the [ISAR] screen. \\ \\ !!!Goal Comments %%zebra-table ||Column Name||Data Type||Description |[EMPLOYEE COMMENTS|COMMENTS_EE]|VARCHAR2|The employees comments related to the goal. |[MANAGER COMMENTS|COMMENTS_MGR]|VARCHAR2|The managers comments related to the goal. \\ \\ !!!Goal Details %%zebra-table ||Column Name||Data Type||Description |[GOAL_STATUS]|VARCHAR2|The status of the individual goal. These statuses are populated from the lexicon [X_GOAL_STATUS] |[METRIC|METRIC]|VARCHAR2|The unit of measurement in regards to the goal. |[COMPETENCE|COMPETENCE_CODE]|VARCHAR2|The competence related to the goal. |[CREATED BY|CREATE_USER]|VARCHAR2|The user who created the goal on the employees review. /% %%tab-Activities DATA HERE /% %%tab-ReviewComments DATA HERE /% /%