!!!Important Information Pages
The Important Information Pages provide functionality to allow an administrator to add custom content to almost any Self Service screen.  For example, utilizing the Information Pages you can publish custom documents that need to be reviewed and signed off on.  You can also create your own HTML page with custom content and display it in a window in any screen. Important Information Pages data is stored in [P2K_AM_IMPORTANT_INFORMATION]

For further documentation on how to create HTML pages you can utilize websites such as, [www.w3schools.com|https://www.w3schools.com].
Please be advised that this above website is a free to use site that has no affiliation with High Line Corporation and is listed as one of many possible free to use resources available on the internet.

!!Information Pages Definitions

|| Field || Character Limit || Mandatory || Definition || Additional Notes
| Info Code | 16 | YES | The name used to identify an information page |
|Description | 200 | YES | Additional write up used to further explain the contents on an information page.  This field is usually used for an expanded title |
|Web Address | 200 | NO | The URL of the information page that will be referenced and displayed in another screen | You can reference HTML pages and PDF files
|Information | 4000 | NO | If a URL is not used to reference the source of the data to be displayed then HTML can be written here |
|Parent Document | 10 | NO | This field is used when a parent document needs to be signed off on before this document can be signed off | For example, A terms and conditions document must be signed before any other documents are signed
|Info Type | 30 | NO | This field is linked to a lexicon called [X_INFO_TYPE].  It is used to categorize the Information Pages to help filter within other screens | For example, If you created 10 Information Pages that were all related to Benefits.  You could then display all those pages using a version of [WERES] with a WHERE clause (INFO_TYPE = "BENEFITS")
| INFO STATUS | 2 | YES | The status for the selected Information Page. \\ *__Published__ - Makes visible in self service \\ *__In Development__ - Currently being setup (Not visible) \\ *__Obsolete__ - No longer in use (Not visible) | For pages to be visible in self service the Start Date and End Date must be within the current date and the INFO STATUS must be set to Published
| Start Date | Date | NO | The date in which this page should become visible in Self Service
| End Date | Date | NO | The date in which this page should no longer be visible in Self Service
| Sign Off Required | Toggle | NO | When this toggle is checked, it indicates that this Information Page must be signed off

!Related Wiki Links
*[WERES] \\
*[WERES_SEARCH] Employee Resources with Search \\
*[WAMSO] Employee Sign off History \\
*[IMSO] Maintain Employee Sign off \\
*[WMMSO] My Employee Sign offs \\
*[WESIGN] My Sign Offs \\
*[WEESA] Electronic Signature Agreement