The [WAGE_RATE] has had an in-line calculator plugged into the validation.

When the need to increase or decrease the rate operation indicators and change values may now be entered directly in the wage rate column.  The wage change will be based upon the saved value in the data base.

The change indicator is entered into the wage rate field, followed by the increment.  The change will be reflected in the field when you leave the field.  [Group rounding|IDGR#Rate Details] is applied, once the calculation is complete.

Supported change indicators include:
; +nnn.nn: Increase the wage by the numeric value indicated
; -nnn.nn: Decrease the wage by the numeric value indicated
; +%nn.nn: Increase the wage by the percentage indicated
; -%nn.nn: Decrease the wage by the percentage indicated


*If the wage rate field shows a value of 36.50 and we overwrite that value with __+.5__, when we leave the field the value will change to 37.00
*If the wage rate field shows a value of 12.50 and we overwrite that value with __+%3.75__, when we leave the field, it will redisplay the new wage as 12.9688.  Note that if your group rounding rules for [hourly|HOURLY_ROUNDING] or [daily|DAILY_ROUNDING] is set to 3 decimals, this will be rounded to 12.9690