Using the Process Personnel Actions screen, you will be able to manage all the outstanding employee change requests that have been sent for approval.

The user may select an employee from the list below:

This field displays the employee’s full name.
Person Code
This fields displays the employee number of individuals with outstanding change requests.

Outstanding Request#

This section lists of all the requests made by the employee selected. These requests will be identified and defined through the following fields:
PA (Request) #
This field displays the identification number of the Personnel Action.
Takes Effect
This field displays the date that the Personnel Action will take effect.
This field displays the status of the request. e.g. Approved, Waiting for Approval
This field provides a short description of the Personnel Action.

PA Details#

By clicking on one of the outstanding requests listed, you will be able to see further details about that request.

Details of Request#

This column identifies the fields that are to be changed.
Previous Value
This column displays the old value of the specified field.
Requested Value
This column displays the new value of the specified field.
PA Type
This field displays the category of the Personnel Action.
Change Reason
This field displays the reason for the requested change. e.g. Address Change or New Email Address

Approval Bar
If you meet the approval levels set up by your company, the approval bar will display allowing you to approve the Personnel Action.
Add Request
By pressing this button you will be able to add a request/comment to the PA.
Process PA button
You may process the Personnel Action by pressing this button. Once processed, the employee's records will be updated with the changed detail of the PA.


This field displays the status of the request.
Sent on
This field displays the date the request was sent.
This field provides a short description of the request.
Add Comment
This field provides the ability to add comments/activities against the request
Additional comments on the request will be posted here.

Notes #

Click to create a new notes page