!!!Employee and Talent Profile

This screen is used as an overview for an employees profile and talent information.  This is a view only screen.



;[Assignment|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]: a 60 Character code used to identify an Assignment Record. 

;[Effective|EFFECTIVE]: The date which the assignment record goes into effect.

;[Department|DEPARTMENT_CODE]: A 60 Character code used to identify the Department.

;[Position|POSITION_CODE]: A 60 Character code used to identify the Position.

;[Title|POSITION_TITLE]: The name of the position.  This is usually an expanded version of the Position Code.

;[Status|STATUS]: This field is used to describe the current state of the assignment.

;[Wage Rate|WAGE_RATE]: The assignment records wage. The wage shown here can be in any Basis.  For example, Hourly Rate, Biweekly Salary etc.

;[Change $|WGCHGAMT]:The dollar amount changed from previous assignment to this assignment record.

;[Change %|WGCHGPRCNT]: The percentage of wage changed from previous assignment to this assignment record.
;[Change Reason|CHANGE_CODE]: The reason for the alteration of this assignment record.


;[FTE|FTE]: The amount associated with the assignment as a Full Time Employee.

;[Hire Date|HIRE_DATE]: The date in which the employee was hired.

;[Unit|UNIT_CODE]: A 60 Character code identifying the Unit.

;[Group|GROUP_CODE]: A 60 Character code identifying the Group.

;[Work Calendar|WORK_CALENDAR_CODE]: The calendar used for the selected assignment work schedule.

!Wage Details

;[Scale/Step|SCALE_CODE]: The scale and Step that is assigned to the employees assignment.

;[Scale Rate|SCALE_RATE]: The rate that is used as the assignments new wage. This is based on the selected Scale/Step.

;[Range|RANGE_CODE]: The salary range associated to the assignment.  This works in relation to Scale/Step and Scale Rates.

;[Range Minimum|RANGE_MINIMUM]: The Minimum salary for the selected [Range|RANGE_CODE].

;[Range Midpoint|RANGE_MIDPOINT]: The Midpoint salary for the selected [Range|RANGE_CODE].

;[Range Maximum|RANGE_MAXIMUM]: The Maximum salary for the selected [Range|RANGE_CODE].

;[Review #|REVIEW_NUMBER]: A number associated to the review.

;[Review Type|REVIEW_TYPE_CODE]: A form of categorization for the review.  For example, MERIT REVIEW or ANNIVERSARY REVIEW.
;[Review Status|REVIEW_STATUS]: The state of the review.
;[Overall Rating|OVERALL_RATINGS]: A lexicon value identifying the overall rating of the review.
;[Points|OVERALL_POINTS]: Total points obtained during the duration of the review.
;[Review Method|REVIEW_METHOD]: A lexicon value identifying the metric system of review.
;[Review Date|REVIEW_DATE]: The date of the review.
;[Next Review Date|NEXT_REVIEW_DATE]: The date the next review is to take place. 
;[Review Document|REVIEW_DOC_FILE]: A media column that allows the attachment of a file.  For example, a written review in addition to the digital entry.
;[Based on Prior Job|BASED_ON_PRIOR_JOB]: A toggle identifying if the review is based on the prior job or the current job. (Unchecked = based on current job)
;[Review Done|REVIEW_DONE_BY]: The employee whom conducted the review.
;[Review Comments|REVIEW_COMMENTS]: General review comments.


;[Competence Level|LEVEL_CODE]: The unit of measure for the competence.

;[Category|CATEGORY_CODE]: The Category of the Competence. For Example, Accounting.
;[Competence Group|COMPETENCE_GROUP]: The Grouping of the Competence.  For example, Finance.
;[Start Date|START_DATE]: The date the competence began.
;[End Date|END_DATE]: The date the competence was obtained.
;[Confirmed Status|CONFIRMED_STATUS]: A lexicon value stored in [X_CONFIRMED_STATUS] identifying the status of the competency. 
;[Confirmed By|CONFIRMED_BY]: The employee whom authenticated the competency record.


;[Degree|DEGREE]: The type of Degree obtained by the employee.
;[Major Area of Study|MAJOR_AREA_OF_STUDY]: The employee's Major regarding their education.
;[Minor|MINOR_AREA_OF_STUDY]: The employee's Minor regarding their education.
;[Type|EDUCATION_TYPE]: A lexicon value stored in [X_EDUCATION_TYPE].  This value identifies the type of education such as University, Technical College etc.
;[School Name|SCHOOL_NAME]: The name of the school that the education was obtained from.
;[Faculty|SCHOOL_FACULTY]: The faculty of the school.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]: The Description of the education received.
;[Phase|EDUCATION_STATUS]: A lexicon value stored in [X_EDUCATION_STATUS].  This value identifies the state of the education.  For example, In Progress, Completed.
;[Started|EDUCATION_START_MONTH]: The date the education started.
;[Completed|EDUCATION_END_MONTH]: The date the education ended.   

;[City|LOCALITY]: The City the education was taken in. 
;[State|DSP_ID]: The State the education was taken in. 
;[GPA Maximum|GPA_ATTAINED]: The GPA of received.


;[Received|DATE_RECEIVED]: The date the resume was uploaded.
;[Source|RESUME_SOURCE]: A lexicon value from [X_RESUME_SOURCE].  This field is used to show how the resume was received.  For example, Mailed, Emailed or Website.
;[File|BINARY_FILE]: The file name of the resume uploaded.
;[Format|RESUME_FORMAT]: The format the resume was uploaded in.  For example, PDF, HTML Document, Email Text.
;[Location|RESUME_LOCATION]: The location of the resume.
;[Last Revised|RESUME_LAST_REVISED]: The date that the resume was last revised.

!!Employee Objectives
;[Seq #|OBJECTIVE_SEQUENCE]: The sequence number for the Objective.
;[Status|OBJECTIVE_STATUS]: A lexicon value from [X_OBJECTIVE_STATUS].  This value identifies the state of the objective. For example, Agreed Upon, Achieved.
;[Established|DATE_ESTABLISHED]: The date the objective was created.
;[Obtained|DATE_OBTAINED]: The date the objective was recieved.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]: Additional details describing the Objective
;[Objectives|OBJECTIVES]: The name of the objective.
!!Succession Plan

;[Program Title|PROGRAM_TITLE]: The name of the succession plan program.
;[Start Date|START_DATE]: The date the program started.
;[End Date|END_DATE]: The date the program ended.
;[Objectives|OBJECTIVES]: The objectives of the succession plan.

!Activities by Plan
;[Type|ACTIVITY_TYPE]: A lexicon value from [X_ACTIVITY_TYPE].  This field is used to identify the type of activity. For example, Course, Program, Seminar etc.
;[Activity Category|ACTIVITY_CATEGORY]: A lexicon value from [X_ACTIVITY_CATEGORY].  This field is used to identify the category of the activity. For example, Succession Plan, Personal Development.  This field is optional.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]: Additional information to describe the activity.
;[Assessment|ASSESSMENT_CODE]: The name of the Assessment, if applicable.
;[Course|COURSE_CODE]: The name of the Course, if applicable.
;[Status|ACTIVITY_STATUS]: A lexicon value from [X_ACTIVITY_STATUS].  This field is used to identify the state of the Activity. For example, Requested, Approved, Completed - OK.
;[Start Date|ACTIVITY_START_DATE]: The date the activity began.
;[End Date|ACTIVITY_END_DATE]: The date the activity ended.
;[Activity Information|ACTIVITY_TEXT]: Additional details regarding the activity.

!!Development Plan
;[Program Title|PROGRAM_TITLE]: The title of the development plan program.
;[Start Date|PROGRAM_START_DATE]: The date the program began.
;[End Date|PROGRAM_END_DATE]: The date the program ended.

!!Activities by Plan
;[Type|ACTIVITY_TYPE]: A lexicon value from [X_ACTIVITY_TYPE].  This field is used to identify the type of activity. For example, Course, Program, Seminar etc.
;[Activity Category|ACTIVITY_CATEGORY]: A lexicon value from [X_ACTIVITY_CATEGORY].  This field is used to identify the category of the activity. For example, Succession Plan, Personal Development.  This field is optional.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]: Additional information to describe the activity.
;[Assessment|ASSESSMENT_CODE]: The name of the Assessment, if applicable.
;[Course|COURSE_CODE]: The name of the Course, if applicable.
;[Status|ACTIVITY_STATUS]: A lexicon value from [X_ACTIVITY_STATUS].  This field is used to identify the state of the Activity. For example, Requested, Approved, Completed - OK.
;[Start Date|ACTIVITY_START_DATE]: The date the activity began.
;[End Date|ACTIVITY_END_DATE]: The date the activity ended.
;[Activity Information|ACTIVITY_TEXT]: Additional details regarding the activity.


;[Competencies|COMPETENCE_CODE]: The name of the Competence.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]: Additional text to describe the competence.

;[Description|DESCRIPTION]: Additional text used to describe the Goal.
;[Job|JOB_TITLE]: The Job Code that is related to the goal.
;[Start Date|START_DATE]: The date the goal began.
;[End Date|END_DATE]: The date the goal ended.
;[Goal Weight|GOAL_WEIGHT]: The weighting of the goal.
!!Goal Details
;[Metric|METRIC]: A text field used to describe how the goal will be measured.
;[Goal Status|GOAL_STATUS]: A lexicon value from [X_GOAL_STATUS]. This field is used to identify the state of the goal.  For example, Submitted, Denied, Completed.
;[Months In Job|MONTHS_IN_JOB]: The number of months the employee has been in the job.
;[Level|LEVEL_CODE]: The Competence Level acquired for completing the goal.
;[EE#, Last, First|EID_ID]: The Employee who created the goal.  For example, a Manager created the goal for the employee or the employee created the goal for themselves.
;[Completion Date|COMPLETION_DATE]: The date the goal was completed.
;[Completion Level|COMPLETION_LEVEL]: A lexicon value from [X_COMPLETION_LEVEL]. The level of completion obtained regarding the goal. For example, partially completed, completed, completed with concern.  This field is optional.

;[Start Date|ACTIVITY_START_DATE]: The date the activity began.
;[Review Phase|REVIEW_PHASE]: The state of the review that is attached to the selected goal.  For example, Goal Selection Phase.
;[Management Only|MANAGEMENT_ONLY]: A toggle used to filter if the activities ability to be viewed by Management only.
;[EE#, LAST, FIRST|EID_ID]: The employees number, first name and last name whom created the activity.
;[Goal Activity Status|GOAL_ACTIVITY_STATUS]: A lexicon value from [X_GOAL_ACTIVITY_STATUS] used to identify the state of the goal. For example, Approved, Scheduled, Completed - OK.




;[Class|CLASS_CODE]: The code used for identifying the class.
;[Title|CLASS_TITLE]: The Class Title
;[End|CLASS_END_DATE]: The date the class ends.
;[Registration #|REGISTRATION_NUMBER]: The registration number for the selected employee in relation to the class.
;[Status|REGISTRATION_STATUS]: A lexicon value from [X_REGISTRATION_STATUS] used to identify the state of the employee registration for the class.
;[Payment|FEE_SCHEDULE]: Payment required for the class.
;[Registration Information|REGISTRATION_TEXT]: Additional Registration details.

;[Assessment|ASSESSMENT_CODE]: The code used to identify the Assessment.
;[Status|ASSESSMENT_EVENT_STATUS]: A lexicon value from [X_ASSESSMENT_EVENT_STATUS] used to identify the state of the assessment assigned to the employee. For example, Planned, Conf, Completed, Cancelled.
;[Assessment Date|ASSESSMENT_DATE_TIME]: The date and time the assessment was scheduled for.
;[Rating|ASSESSMENT_RATING]: A lexicon value from [X_ASSESSMENT_RATING] that identifies the employees rating for the assessment.  For example, Good, Needs Improvement.
;[Points|ASSESSMENT_POINTS]: The number of points that can be obtained for completing the assessment.
;[Final Grade|FINAL_GRADE]: The number of points that are awarded to the employee for completing the assessment and answering the questions correctly or not.
