This screen is for viewing only in order to display the GVT Headers information for the selected employee.
The ‘Tax Level’, ‘Type’, ‘Period’ or ‘Govt Registration’ column can be clicked in order to sort these columns in either ascending or descending order.
Any column can be clicked and dragged to the first column position in sort and display the record information by that column data. For instance, clicking and dragging 'Employee Name' to the first column will sort the information by the employee name (either by ascending or descending order.)
The Amount tab is for viewing only in order to display GVT Amount information by employees.
The Seq, Identifiers and Description fields are from IDFDV definitions.
The amount or the alphanumeric value of the identifier is displayed.
The employee’s name and address information are stored for historical reference purpose, these name and address information will be printed on W2 Form by the Windward version of RPW2.
Screen captures are meant to be indicative of the concept being presented and may not reflect the current screen design.
If you have any comments or questions please email the Wiki Editor