The SSA EFW2 Format (Record RE) for Annual and Quarterly Reporting !Record Name: Code RE - Employer Record ||Column||Description||Source |1-2|Record Identifier|Constant "RE" |3-6|Tax year|Required. \\ Enter the tax year for this report (YYYY). \\ Derived from the user defined FROM-TO period, converted to YYYY. |7|Agent Indicator Code|If applicable, enter one of the following codes:\\* 1 = 2678 Agent \\* 2 = Common Paymaster \\* 3 = 3504 Agent\\If more than one code applies, use the one that best describes your status as an agent.\\Otherwise, fill with a blank. |8-16|Employer/Agent EIN|Required. \\ Derived from the applicable Federal reporting EIN, from [IDGV] or [IDGR]. |17-25|Agent for EIN|If "1" was entered in the Agent Indicator Code field (position 7), enter the client-employer's EIN for which you are an Agent. Otherwise, fill with blanks. |26|Terminiating Business Indicator|If this is the last tax year that W-2s will be filed under this EIN, enter "1". Otherwise, enter 0 (zero). |27-30|Establishment Number|For multiple RE (Employer) Records with the same EIN, you can use this field to assign a unique identifier for each RE (Employer) Record. Otherwise, fill with blanks. |31-39|Other EIN|For this tax year, if you submiited tax payments to the IRS under Form 941, 943, 944, CT-1 or Schedule H or W2 data to SSA, and a different EIN was used from the EIN in positions 8-16, enter the other EIN. Otherwise, fill with blanks. __IMPORTANT NOTE:__ The Employer's Name field (positions 40-96) and the Employer's Address fields (positions 97-173) should normally match the employer name and address under which tax payments were submitted to the IRS under Form 941, 943, 944, 945, CT-1 or Schedule H. |40-96|Employer Name|Required. \\ Enter the name associated with the EIN entered in positions 8 - 16. \\Left justify and fill with blanks. \\Derived from the W2-ER-NAME [IDFDV] Field Identifier (seq 2010). |97-118|Employer Location Address|Enter the employer's location address (Attention, Suite, Room Number, etc.) \\Left justify and fill with blanks. \\Derived from the W2-ER-LOCN-ADDR [IDFDV] Field Identifier (seq 2020). |119-140|Employer Delivery Address|Enter the employer's delivery address (Street or Post Office Box). \\Left justify and fill with blanks. \\Derived from the W2-ER-DELIV-ADDR [IDFDV] Field Identifier (seq 2030). |141-162|Employer City|Enter the employer's city. \\Left justify and fill with blanks. \\Derived from the W2-ER-CITY [IDFDV] Field Identifier (seq 2040). |163-164|Employer State Abbreviation|Enter the employer's State or commonwealth/territory. Use a postal abbreviation. \\For a foreign address, fill with blanks. \\Derived from the W2-ER-STATE [IDFDV] Field Identifier (seq 2050). |165-169|Employer ZIP Code|Enter the employer's ZIP Code. \\For a foreign address, fill with blanks. \\Derived from the W2-ER-ZIP [IDFDV] Field Identifier (seq 2060). |170-173|Employer ZIP Code Extension|Enter the employer's four-digit extension of the ZIP code. If not applicable, fill with blanks. \\Derived from the W2-ER-ZIP-EXT [IDFDV] Field Identifier (seq 2070). |174|Kind of Employer|Required. \\ Enter the appropriate kind of employer: \\ \\* F = Federal Government \\* State/local non-501c \\* T = 501c non-government \\* Y = State/local 501c \\* N = None apply \\ \\ __NOTE: Leave blank if the tax jurisdiction Code in position 220 of the RE (Employer) Records is "P" (Puerto Rico).__ \\ |175-178|Blank|Fill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use. |179-201|Foreign State/Province|If applicable, enter the employer's foreign State/Province. \\ Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks. |202-216|Foreign Postal Code|If applicable, enter the company's foreign postal code. Left justify and fill with blanks. Otherwise, fill with blanks. |217-218|Country Code|If one of the following applies, fill with blanks: \\ \\* One of the 50 States of the U.S.A. \\* District of Columbia \\* Military Post Office (MPO) \\* American Samoa \\* Guam \\* Northern Mariana Islands \\* Puerto Rico \\* Virgin Islands \\ \\Otherwise, enter the applicable Country Code. |219|Employment Code|Required. \\ Enter the appropriate employment code: \\ \\* A = Agriculture (Form 943)\\* H = Household (Schedule H)\\* M = Military (Form 941) \\* Q = Medicare Qualified Government Employment (Form 941)\\* X = Railroad (CT-1) \\* F = Regular (Form 944)\\* R = Regular (all others) (Form 941). \\ NOTE: Railroad reporting is not applicable for Puerto Rico and territorial employers. |220|Tax Jurisdiction Code|Required. \\ Enter the code that identifies the type of income tax withheld from the employee's earnings: \\ \\* Blank (W-2) \\* V = Virgin Islands (W-2VI) \\* G = Guam (W-2GU) \\* S = American Samoa (W-2AS) \\* N = Northern Mariana Islands (W-2CM) \\* P = Puerto Rico (W-2PR/499R-2) |221|Third Party Sick Pay Indicator|Enter "1" for a sick pay indicator. Otherwise, enter "0" (zero). |222-248|Employer Contact Name|Enter the name of the employer's contact. \\Left justify and fill with blanks. |249-263|Employer Contact Phone Number|Enter the employer's contact telephone number with numeric values only (including area code). Do not use any special characters.\\Left justify and fill with blanks. |264-268|Employer Contact Phone Extension|Enter the employer's contact telephone extension with numeric values only. Do not use any special characters. \\ Left justify and fill with blanks. |269-278|Employer Contact Fax Number|If applicable, enter the employer's contact fax number with numeric values only (including area code). Do not use any special characters. \\Otherwise, fill with blanks. \\ __ For US and US Territories only __ |279-318|Employer Contact E-Mail/Internet|Enter the employer's contact e-mail/internet address. |319-512|Blank|Fill with blanks. Reserved for SSA use.