The View J2EE Logs (VMJLOG) allows you to monitor all logs written for a given active session.  The Administrator may close a session or turn up the trace level for troubleshooting.

The definition data for the View J2EE Logs screen is stored in the P2K_AM_SACTIVE_USERS and P2K_AM_SJ2EE_LOG_RECORDS tables.
;[Total Forms Opened|TOTAL_FORMS_OPENED]:This field specifies how many forms have been opened by the user for the given session. 
;[Total Open Forms|TOTAL_OPEN_FORMS]:This field specifies how many forms the user currently has open.
;[Last Request Timestamp|LAST_REQUEST_TIMESTAMP]:This field displays the most frequent date/timestamp that the user initiated a request from the application.
;[Last Request|LAST_EJB_REQUEST]:This field indicates what the user's last request was, i.e. closing a form.
;[Close Session|ACT_CLOSE_SESSION]:This is an action button that allows the Administrator to close the user's session. 
;[Toggle Session Logging|ACT_TURN_ON_LOGS]:This button when pressed will increase the logging level for the user's session from FINE to FINEST. This will result in the log showing additional trace messages and may be used to help troubleshoot an issue the user may have reported. When pressed the trace will display in the table below.

;[Time Stamp|VTIME_STAMP]: This field displays the time stamp of when the action noted occurred. 
;[Level|FINE_LEVEL]: The level of logging the trace has been set to will display here, i.e FINEST. 
;[Class Name|CLASS_NAME]: This field displays the JAVA Class containing the method that is performing the required action.
;[Method|METHOD]: This field identifies the name of the method that is performing the action.
;[Trace Text|LOG_MESSAGE_TEXT]: This field displays the application's trace messages. If errors occurred they may be seen here. 

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