View Instance Session Audits#

VMISA is used to view the current usage of all users in Personality. It will show details such as who the user is, when the user logged in, what forms were accessed and when they were accessed.

#This is the record number of the users login
Logged InShows the date and time the user logged in
Logged OutShows the date and time the user logged out
Session SourceIdentifies the source of the login. e.g. Admin UI or Self Service
UserIdentifies the User Profile that was used to login. e.g. P2K
Client InfoShows the IP Address and Computer Name of the user whom logged in
Session Info

Alerts Tab#

Alerts show any system errors or warnings that occurred during the Users session.

Time The time the Alert took place
Text Alert message that was shown when Alert took place
Function NameThe name of the screen accessed. e.g. IPPH
Description The Description of the Function Name where the Alert took place
ExceptionAdditional error/warning details regarding the Alert

Form Tab#

The Forms Tab shows exactly when a particular Form/Screen was Opened and Closed and if there was an Exception Associated with it.
OpenedThe Date and Time the Function/Screen was opened
ClosedThe Date and Time the Function/Screen was Closed
Function NameThe Function/Screens name
ExceptionsA toggle that indicates if an Exception/Error/Warning has occurred on the specific Function

Server Logs Tab#

This Tab shows any server logs associated with a specific screen. Trace in IMST must be set to 9
Time StampThe Date and Time the Server Log was recorded
LevelThe level of logging the trace has been set to, i.e FINEST.
Class NameA field which displays the JAVA Class containing the method that is performing the required action.
MethodA field which identifies the name of the method that is performing the action captured in the log.
Trace TextA field which displays the application's trace messages. If errors occurred they may be seen here.


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