!!!View Instance Session Audits
[VMISA] is used to view the current usage of all users in Personality.  It will show details such as who the user is, when the user logged in, what forms were accessed and when they were accessed. 

|#|This is the record number of the users login|
|Logged In|Shows the date and time the user logged in|
|Logged Out|Shows the date and time the user logged out|
|Session Source|Identifies the source of the login. e.g. Admin UI or Self Service|
|Context| |
|User|Identifies the User Profile that was used to login. e.g. P2K|
|Client Info|Shows the IP Address and Computer Name of the user whom logged in|
|Session Info| |


!!Alerts Tab
Alerts show any system errors or warnings that occurred during the Users session.

|Time| The time the Alert took place
|Text| Error message that was down when Alert took place
|Function Name|The name of the screen accessed. e.g. IPPH
|Description| Words used to further describe the Alert that took place
|Exception|The Exception Code returned when Alert took place


!!Form Tab