[{TableOfContents }]
!!!View Execution Logs & Details

The MEX ID is indicated in the top left hand corner of the screen. Also indicated, is the name of the process, the user and the date when this process was run.

Each line is information written out by the system specifically for the purpose of debugging problems. The Message and Text contain the information required for deciphering and debugging the issues. 

%%warning This function is for viewing purposes only; you may not edit the data.%%


;[Process| ]



;[Destination Format|DESTINATION_FORMAT]

;[Destination Type|DESTINATION_TYPE]

;[Start Date|START_DATE]

;[End Date|END_DATE]

;[Report Mode|REPORT_MODE]

;[Job Name|JOB_NAME]


;[Destination Name|DESTINATION_NAME]

!!Run Logs Tab

;[Log ID|LOG_ID ]


;[Context 1|CONTEXT]:



;[Trace Level|TRACE_LEVEL]:

;[Error Level|ERROR_LEVEL ]:

;[Context 1/Context 2|CONTEXT]:

;[Message Code|MESSAGE_CODE ]:

;[Run Log Text|RUN_LOG_TEXT ]:

!!Parameters tab

;[Parameter Name|PARAMETER_NAME ]:



!!Tables Changed tab


