The View Data Change Log (VMCL) screen is used to view the information that has been generated by the DB change log triggers.

The definition data for the View Data Change Log screen is stored in the P2K_AM_TABLE_DETAILS, P2K_AM_DATABASE_CHANGE_LOGS and P2K_AM_CHANGE_LOG_DETAILS table.

From the Find select the Table to view the changes for.
Use the Calendar to select the day you to view the changes on.

Update Subject Ref
Pressing this button will run a routine that will populate the Subject Ref ID and Subject Ref Code for change logs on EID, EEM, ECT, and EAS if they are blank.
The date of the change is recorded in this field.
Logged in As
This field will display the IMUS user name associated to the employee if they are logged into the Professional application while making changes. If they are logged into Self Service while making the change, the user’s Person Code will be displayed. Changes mapped to roles will display the role name. If a change is made in Self Service that is tied to a Personnel Action, the IMUS user name of the individual who processes the PA will also display here.
This field identifies the type of action that was performed by the user to change the data i.e delete, create.
Function Name
This field identifies the function the change was made to.
Context 1
Context 1 will hold (in XML format) the Parent Context information; this is based on the Unique Keys of the changed record and its parents. This field will show the person code, candidate code or recruiter code of the user logged in making the change.
Context 2
Context 2 will hold (in XML format) all columns and values except those with domains of VARCHAR2000 & VARCHAR4000
When a change takes place, but before the values are committed to the database, a Change Log record is created without the context columns populated. When the changes are committed to the database, the context columns are added to the new Change Log record, and the Change Log Details records are created for every changed column and added to the database.
If logging is turned on for a table and turned off for a changed column, no Change Log Details record will be created.
If there is an exception between the time the Change Log is created and before the Change Log Details and context information are created, then Context 1 will hold a message indicating that auditing was not complete.

Column Name
These field identifies the column the change was made to.
The user who made the change is listed in this field.
The date and time of the change is identified in this field.
Before Value / After Value
These fields show the value in the column before and after the change was made.

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