!!!VIEW UPCOMING DISCIPLINARY ACTIVITIES %%information This screen is for viewing purposes only; you may not edit the data %% The View Upcoming Disciplinary Activities (VLDA) form provides a quick summary report of all current disciplinary activities. ;Disciplinary Issue: This field is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the disciplinary issue being defined. ;Issue Date: This field displays the date the disciplinary issue has recorded. ;Issue Type: This field classifies the issue into a specific type. ;Activity Date: This field displays the date of the activity, for example, the date which a verbal warning was given. ;Activity Status: This field displays the status of the grievance activity. ;Decision: If a decision has been made on this incident, that decision will be displayed here. ;Action Date: This field identifies the date the action took place. ;Activity Reviewed By: If this activity involves a review of the incident, the individual who did the review will be indicated here. !Disciplinary Issue ;Status: This field shows the current status of the incident. ;Stage: This field shows the current stage of the incident. ;Severity: This field identifies the severity of the incident. ;Issue with EE: This field shows the employee for whom this issue is with. ;Approved: If this toggle is checked, the closure for this incident has been approved. ;Description: This field provides short description of the disciplinary issue. ;Closed Date: This field indicates the date this disciplinary issue was closed. ;Cost: This field displays the cost of this issue. !Next Activity ;Date: This field displays the date of the next activity step in the process ;Text: This field allows you to provide additional information regarding the next activity. !About ;Entity: This field identifies the entity associated with the disciplinary issue. ;Unit: This field identifies the unit where the incident occurred. ;Location: This field identifies the location of the incident. ;Department: This field identifies the department where the incident occurred. ;Job: This field identifies the job the employee held at the time of the incident. ;Position: This field identifies the position the employee held at the time of the incident. ;Activity Description: A further description of the activity may be listed in this field. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.VLDA] [{InsertPage page='Internal.VLDA' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]