Burnt Orange Text#

Occasionally the field information will appear in a burnt orange color. This indicates that the information entered by the user is waiting for approval.

If an editable screen requires approval before any changes will be made permanent, a line of text will appear at the top of the screen:

e.g. ‘A Personnel Action will be automatically created if any changes are made to this screen.

If changes have been made that are waiting approval, an additional line will appear at the top of the screen:

e.g. ‘Any field emphasized as burnt orange is currently being reviewed for approval in Personnel Action #1890.’

Red Asterisks#

Any prompts with a red asterisks (*) indicates that this information is mandatory/required and cannot be left blank.

If any field in a screen is mandatory, a line of text will appear at the top to the screen: e.g. ‘A red asterisk * means that information in the field must be completed.’

Magnifying Glass#

Some fields will have an List of Values (LOV) look up option and you will see the LOV icon.

Clicking this button will bring up a selection of values for you to choose from

You can do a search for a value through the Find button or scroll through the list.

Once you have found the value you’d like to add, click the Submit button and that value will be entered into the field.

If you decide to not enter a value from the LOV, you may return to the screen by clicking the Cancel button.


For date fields, the system provides a calendar for you to choose a date value from.

Beside the date fields, you will find a Calendar icon which you may click to call up the calendar.

You may use the arrows provided to scan through the calendar by either month or year to find the appropriate date.


The system can be set to allow you to send emails from Self Service.

If a name field (e.g. contact name) has an Email icon you may click that icon to send an email to that individual.

Notes #

Click to create a new notes page