The following views are defined within the application, and when used in report selection, will provide security as noted, when defined on [IMSV], __by user name__ (not by role) Views defined by reference to P2K_AM_SECURITY_VALUES table directly ||View Name ||Security Right | P2K_CM_VSAUTHORITIES | AUTHAREA or AUTHAREAMATCH | P2K_CM_VSCOST_CENTERS | COST CENTER | P2K_CM_VSDEPARTMENTS | DEPARTMENT | P2K_CM_VSENTITIES | ENTITY | P2K_CM_VPOSITIONS | RESPLEVEL | P2K_CM_VSUNITS | UNIT Views defined by reference to P2K_AM_VSECURITY_VALUES view (which gathers from P2K_AM_SECURITY_VALUES table directly) ||View Name ||Security Right | P2K_HR_VASSIGNMENTS | DEPARTMENT + UNIT + EE STATUS + AUTHAREA + AUTHAREAMATCH + RESPLEVEL + ENTITY | P2K_HR_VSASSIGNMENTS | DEPARTMENT + UNIT + EE STATUS + AUTHAREA + AUTHAREAMATCH + RESPLEVEL + ENTITY | P2K_HR_VPEOPLE_LIST_DETAILS | DEPARTMENT + UNIT + EE STATUS + AUTHAREA + AUTHAREAMATCH + RESPLEVEL + ENTITY | P2K_PR_VSPAYROLLS | PAYROLL | P2K_TS_VWORK_AREAS | WORK AREA + WORK DIVISION Views defined by reference to secured views, noted above ||View Name ||Security Right || Source of Security | P2K_AM_VCODE_SEQUENCES | ENTITY | through P2K_CM_VSENTITIES | P2K_CM_VAUTHORITIES | AUTHAREA + AUTHAREAMATCH + ENTITY | through P2K_CM_VSENTITIES and P2K_CM_VSAUTHORITIES | P2K_CM_VDEPARTMENTS | AUTHAREA + AUTHAREAMATCH + DEPARTMENT + ENTITY | through P2K_CM_VSENTITIES and P2K_CM_VSAUTHORITIES and P2K_CM_VSDEPARTMENTS | P2K_CM_VGROUPS | ENTITY + UNIT | through P2K_CM_ENTITIES and P2K_CM_VSUNITS | P2K_CM_VJOBS | ENTITY + UNIT | through P2K_CM_ENTITIES and P2K_CM_VSUNITS | P2K_CM_VPOSITIONS | ENTITY + UNIT + AUTHAREA + AUTHAREAMATCH + DEPARTMENT| through P2K_CM_VSENTITIES and P2K_CM_VSAUTHORITIES and P2K_CM_VSDEPARTMENTS and P2K_CM_VSUNITS | P2K_CM_VUNITS | ENTITY + UNIT | through P2K_CM_ENTITIES and P2K_CM_VSUNITS | P2K_CM_VWORK_RULES | ENTITY | through P2K_CM_VSENTITIES | P2K_HR_V_ID_LINE | ENTITY | through P2K_CM_VSENTITIES | P2K_HR_VEMPLOYMENTS | ENTITY | through through P2K_CM_ENTITIES | P2K_HR_VENTITIES | ENTITY | through P2K_CM_VSENTITIES | P2K_PR_VBATCHES | ENTITY | through P2K_CM_VSENTITIES | P2K_PR_VPAYROLL_BANK_ACCOUNTS | ENTITY | through P2K_CM_VSENTITIES | P2K_SA_VPREMIUMS | ENTITY + UNIT | through P2K_CM_ENTITIES and P2K_CM_VSUNITS | P2K_SA_VSALARY_MATRICES | ENTITY | through P2K_CM_VSENTITIES | P2K_SA_VSALARY_RANGES | ENTITY | through P2K_CM_VSENTITIES | P2K_SA_VSURVEY_JOB_MAPPINGS | UNIT + ENTITY | through P2K_CM_VSENTITIES and P2K_CM_VSUNITS | P2K_SA_VWAGE_SCALES | ENTITY + UNIT | through P2K_CM_ENTITIES and P2K_CM_VSUNITS | P2K_SA_VWAGE_STEP_RULES | ENTITY + UNIT | through P2K_CM_VSENTITIES and P2K_CM_VSUNITS ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.VIEWS-SECURITY] [{InsertPage page='Internal.VIEWS-SECURITY' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]