!!List of Records
If a screen has a list of records, that list will be presented at the top of the screen. e.g. a list of pay history, benefits or pay transactions

The system allows you to see the full list or concentrate on a single record.

Clicking on a specific file will cause the system to display details of that record in the fields directly beneath.

!Expanded List
If you are in a screen with the list hidden, you may display the list of records by clicking the Expand List icon.
[{Image src='SS_EXPAND_LIST.JPG' width='50'}]

If the list is expanded you will be able to see either all or a portion of the records in the database for the screen.

If more records are available you will see the following navigation tool at the bottom of the screen.
[{Image src='SS_NAVIGATION_ARROW.JPG' width='450'}]

In the navigation example above, the system indicates that you are seeing the first through forth of 14 total records.


Go to the first record
[{Image src='SS_FIRST_RECORD.JPG' width='50'}]

Go to the previous page
[{Image src='SS_PREVIOUS_PAGE.JPG' width='50'}]

Go to the next page
[{Image src='SS_NEXT_PAGE.JPG' width='50'}]

Go to the last record
[{Image src='SS_LAST_RECORD.JPG' width='50'}]

!Hidden List
If you are in a screen with an expanded list which you would like to reduce a specific record, highlight that record and click the Hide List icon.

By highlighting a record and clicking the Hide List icon, the system will display the screen so that only the details for that specified record will show.