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!!"View Tax Jurisdiction by State" Usage and Examples

Position data is stored in the [P2K_CM_TAX_JURISDICTIONS] and [P2K_CM_ZIP_RANGES] tables.

;[VTX GEO Code|GEO_CODE]:This field holds the GEO code of the city, county or state used for taxation purposes. 
;[Type|GEO_TYPE]:This field indicates whether the GEO code being defined is a city, county or state.
;[Jurisdiction|JURISDICTION_NAME]:This field holds the name of the city or township, county or state or provincial jurisdiction. 
;[State|STATE_PROVINCE_CODE]:This field identifies the state associated with the tax jurisdiction.
;[County|COUNTY_CODE]:This field identifies the county associated with the tax jurisdiction.
;[City|LOCALITY]:This field identifies the city associated with the tax jurisdiction.
;[Municipality|]:This field identifies the municipality associated with the tax jurisdiction.
;[School|SCHOOL_DISTRICT_CODE]:This field identifies the school district associated with the tax jurisdiction.
;[Vertex Zip Start|ZIP_POSTAL_START]/[Vertex Zip End|ZIP_POSTAL_END]:This field identifies the postal code associated with the tax jurisdiction.
;[Area Code|PHONE_AREA_CODE]:This field identifies the area code associated with the tax jurisdiction.
;[FIPS Code|FIPS_CODE]:This field identifies the Federal Information Processing Standard code associated with the tax jurisdiction.
;[Head Tax Applicable|HEAD_TAX_APPLICABLE]:If this toggle is ON, a head tax needs to be calculated for this city.


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