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This screen is a View Only screen that allows you to see the time rules.

;[Work Rule|WORK_RULE (Field)]:This field displays the work rule identified with the time rule.
;[Type|TIME_RULE_TYPE_CODE]:The time rule type is identified in this field.
;[Cycle|CYCLE_NUMBER]:This field identifies the cycle number which is used to change the order of time rules of different frequencies. 
;[Frequency|FREQUENCY_CODE]:This field displays the frequency code which indicates how often the payroll item (deduction, benefit, attendance policy etc.) is processed. 
;[Sequence|SEQUENCE]:This field displays the sequential order the time rule will be processed. 
;[Qualifying Band|QUALIFYING_BAND]:This field shows the minimum number of hours before the employee qualifies for overtime. 
;[From Time|FROM_CLOCK_TIME]/[To Time|TO_CLOCK_TIME ]:These fields display the From and To time for the time rule frequencies used to store a  time used for filtering of time rules. 
;[Value|TIME_RULE_VALUE]:This field holds the variable or fixed amount for a time rule.
;[Day of Week|DAY_OF_WEEK]:This field displays the defines the day of the week for this time rule. 
;[Time Code|TIME_CODE]:This field identifies the time being recorded.
;[Premium|PREMIUM_CODE]:This field displays the premium associated with the time rule.
;[Target Set]:
;[Apply to Set]:
;[Disabled|DISABLE_RULE]:This toggle is used to refrain the Time Rule Engine from calling the time rule. This is typically used to help debug time rules. 
;[Can Be Waived|CAN_BE_WAIVED]:This toggle flags that a time rule should not be applied. 


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