At any time during the Open Enrollment period the Benefit Administrator can view the elections by employee via the VBOEE screen.
This screen is a View Only screen and contains two tabs; Open Enrollments and Event History. The Benefit Administrator would use this form to view an employee’s elections. This form indicates the stage of the Open Enrollment and Election. Also listed are the totals as seen in IBOE, the total number of plans/plan sets, total number of elections yet to be decided and total number of elections declined.
Open Enrollments tab#
Open Enrollments
- Election Opened
- This date indicates the start of the open enrollment period. Employees will not be able to access the Open Enrollment prior to this date.
- Election Closed
- This date indicates the last day of the open enrollment period. Employees will not be able to make changes to their elections after this date.
- Event Type
- The type of event used to generate the open enrollment will be displayed here. This will default in from IBET.
- OE Status
- The Open Enrollment Status will be displayed here. This field is tied to the lexicon X_BE_OE_STATUS.
- EE Election Stage
- The stage of the employee's open enrollment will display here. This field is tied to the lexicon X_BE_OE_ELECTION_STAGE.
- # Plans
- The total number of plans and plan sets in the open enrollment that the employee is eligible for.
- To Be Decided
- The total number of plans and plan sets in the open enrollment that the employee has not made a decision for.
- Declined
- The total number of plans in the employee's open enrollment with the decision of 'Declined'.
- Plan /Plan Set
- This field will display the plan code or plan election set that the employee is eligible for during the Open Enrollment.
- Current Coverage
- The coverage the employee is enrolled in or if the employee chooses a different coverage, this is displayed in this field.
- Election Stage
- This field displays the stage of the employee's election. This field is tied to the lexicon X_BE_OE_ELECTION_STAGE.
- Election Decision
- This field tracks the employee's decision on the election of the coverage. The field is tied to the lexicon X_BE_OE_ELECTION_DECISION.
- Reason for Decline
- If Decline Reasons are required for any plan that is declined and the employee declines the plan during the Open Enrollment, the decline reason is displayed here.
- Evidence Status
- If Evidence of Insurance is required to be submitted, the status of the employee submitting the evidence is displayed here. The field is tied to the lexicon X_EVIDENCE_STATUS.
Election Options
- Coverage
- The Coverage associated to the plan in focus in the table above is displayed here.
- Policy #
- The policy number from the coverage in IBPN is displayed here.
- Pre Tax
- If the coverage was defined as Pre-Tax in IBPN the toggle will be checked On here.
- Step
- This field displays the step the employee is eligible for.
- Frequency
- This field displays the Frequency associated to the selected coverage.
- EE Cost/Yr
- The Employee's cost on a yearly basis is displayed here. The cost is based on the amount in component BC-B1040.
- ER Cost/Yr
- The Employer's cost on a yearly basis is displayed here. The cost is based on the amount in component BC-B0840.
- Choice
- This toggle will be checked for the coverage the employee has chosen to be elected into.
- Benefit Recipients
- This field will display any benefit recipients that were elected for a coverage.
Event History tab#
This tab displays a history of life / work events that have been recorded for the employee.
This tab is view only
- Event Type
- This is the event type that was recorded for the employee.
- Description
- The description of the life / work event is displayed here.
- Event Date
- The date the event took place is displayed here.
- Proof Required
- If the event type was defined to require proof, this will be toggled.
- Proof Received
- If the employee submitted proof of the event, this will be toggled.
- Event Status
- This field displays the status of the event. This field is tied to the lexicon X_BE_EVENT_STATUS.
Uploaded Documents tab#
This tab displays any documents that the employee may have uploaded for any open enrollment they participated in.
OE Questions#
If the employee elected a Coverage that has an
Assessment affiliated to it in
IBPN, then the questions and answers will be visible in this tab. This is a view only tab.
For more information on asking questions in an Open Enrollment, please see Asking Questions in Open Enrollment.
- OE Question Code
- This field will display the user-defined code assigned to the assessment in IBAS.
- #
- This field displays the sequence number of the question as it is defined in IBAS.
- Question
- This field displays the text of the question being asked.
- Mandatory
- This indicates if the question was defined as mandatory. If a question is required to be answered, the employee will not be able to complete the Assessment.
- Response
- This field displays the employee's response to the question asked.
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Screen captures are meant to be indicative of the concept being presented and may not reflect the current screen design.
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