!!!GENERATE TIME ENTRIES FOR SCHEDULED SHIFTS !!Processing Information UTTP builds the scheduled shifts, and at the same time the time sheet details are created. Detailed schedules are normally prepared on a daily or weekly basis but may sometimes be prepared for a month in advance. The Create Scheduled Shifts (UTTP) screen will prepare vacant time slots that can then be filled with Workers. If a Team Post is “owned” by a worker, then UTTP will also fill the vacant slot with that employee. The Work Rule for any employees assigned as owners to a team post must have a Work rule that has a [Generation Destination|TIME_GENERATION_DESTINATION] of TS-Shift and, at a minimum, the [Default Time Code|TR_DFLT_TIME_CODE] Time Rule set up. If a Team Post is not "owned" by a worker, but the worker is scheduled via the Bid Run Processor, using Bid Run Shifts from [ITWO] then after UTTP is run [UTBPR] will be run to fill those vacant slots. Filling Scheduled Shifts can be done by UTTP or [UEGTS] or [UTBPR] or manually ([DTSH],[DTESH] or [DTSWA]). If performance is an issue with UTTP, the function may be configured to use multiple processing threads to speed up performance. For more information on this please see the page titled [Multiple Processing Threads|MULTIPLE PROCESSING THREADS]. UEGTS and UTTP can be run in either order. UTTP will create a time sheet for the employee if the period being run for includes the current pay period and a time sheet does not exist. UTTP will not update a time sheet details once it has been created in any successive run. You would need to use UEGTS to update a time sheet. ---- !!Report Parameters & Filters ||Report Parameters|| |From Date| Mandatory, Date, LOV Available. This is the first date from which the report is to process information. |To Date| Mandatory, Date, LOV Available. This is the last date from which the report is to process information. |Exception Level| Mandatory, LOV available, <Exception Only>. This field indicates the exception level (report messages) required. ||Report Filters|| |Work Division| Mandatory, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV Available, <ALL>. This field limits the report to the work division(s) specified. |Work Area |Mandatory, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV Available, <ALL>. This field limits the report to the work area(s) specified. |Work Station| Mandatory, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV Available, <ALL>. This field limits the report to the work station(s) specified. |Work Team| Mandatory, Match, Multiple Selection, LOV Available, <ALL>. This field limits the report to the work team(s) specified ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.UTTP] [{InsertPage page='Internal.UTTP' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]